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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. He won't.
  2. Greyhound Close, Hedge End.
  3. Wow, that must be more than you're paying for the wife itself - including the airfare from Thailand/Malaysia.
  4. Essruu


    I didn't notice her age until long after I'd registered 'skinny bird'. Request suspended, pending her 16th birthday.
  5. Essruu


    Would a Rule 1 request on medical grounds be appropriate?
  6. “Yeah, an’ he says if I don’t drink lots of milk, when I grow up I’m only gonna be good enough to lose to Accrington Stanley!”
  7. Anything off of The Wurzels Christmas Album.
  8. Haha, interview ended with "Thank you David. That was David Connelly; formerly of Southampton, Sunderland and West Ham." No mention of massive pompey whatsoever.
  9. David Connelly on TalkSport now to talk about Saints' season and to about today's match. They'll love that down the road ?
  10. All they need to do now is build their new passenger terminal, create a dual-tide system for same-day turnarounds, and shift the city closer to Europe so it's handier for the shorter Europe and Med' cruises: Then they'll have us worried.
  11. It would've been much cheaper to pay a local kid (below the age of responsibility) £5 a week, to let down the tyres of each offending vehicle, until they stopped parking there.
  12. I've been saying this for months and months (also, see post #12 above.) It's so obvious, relevant to his nationality, and singable loudly. Unfortunately, there is not much scope for The Northam to clap along like seals, bash the backboards and speed it up to 240 beats per minute, though; so, it's unlikely to catch on there.
  13. Tune: Give Me Joy In My Heart (Sing Hosanna) How many goals will you score, Graziano How many goals will you score today How many goals will you score Graziano Keep on scoring til the break of day Graziano, Graziano, Graziano is the King of Kings, Graziano, Graziano, Graziano is The King.
  14. Les Marseillais, FFS.
  15. I always play SportsNation on my iPad and AirPlay it to my TV. It was flawless again today; no buffering whatsoever; light pixelisation on the long range view a few times, but still better than any of the other services I've used or paid for in the past.
  16. Next time it happens, politely disturb their meeting and warn them that the offending vehicle has precisely 5mins to move, or else it will be blocked in for the next 5hrs. If they don't move it, park your vehicle in such a way that it blocks that vehicle and as many others in as you can, for a few hours. A taste of their own medicine, unfortunately, is the only way these ignorant types learn their lesson
  17. Frankie? She's leaving too.
  18. Won't be 'replaced'. His role will be split between existing support staff.
  19. I assume that isn't sarcasm?
  20. Seen in Burger King at Gunwharf Quays with Maradona, apparently.
  21. Essruu


    No it's not.
  22. Essruu


    Apart from the lyrics being she-ite, his name is not pronounced 'Pell', either; it's pronounced 'Pellla' with a long 'L'.
  23. Rome.
  24. That was funny about 4yrs ago.
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