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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. I hadn't been on it in ages until I logged on a few minutes ago. Probably due to my absence: it's been as slow as a fat**** with a gammy mrsa knee by the looks of it.
  2. http://b-anter.forumotion.com/forum.htm
  3. Someone didn't read/understand my post. My MacBook boots from cold in around 18secs. I couldn't understand why Baj's would take 55secs, so I did a quick Google search and grabbed that info in case it helped Baj. I have only two desktop items and no startup apps, which probably explains mine. Baj seemed to be making a point about how long his took to start up, that's all, so god knows how messy he is. FWIW, I also get between 3-5+hrs battery life, depending on what I'm running.
  4. I wasn't saying 18 secs wasn't blisteringly quick, I just couldn't believe that your 4GB MacBook running Snow Leopard would take takes 55 secs. Are you sure you're not starting it up with the Windows partition?
  5. This has a very plastic and clunky feel about it and the trackpad and mouse buttons are horrible. I had the misfortune to have to use one recently to set up AV / Firewall / Network / File Sharing on for somebody who is almost completely PC-dumb. Mind you, it was running Vista Home Premium. Hardware Mac and Operating System Mac then. Hypochondriac has already experienced the eye-opening of not having to wait for startup, it just working etc., and will experience the OS and software further in time, should he make the switch to a Mac. Windows 7 should take Windows users closer to a Mac experience, but they'll still have horrible contraptions like the Dell Inspiron and other makers' plastic bricks to have to accept. Aluminium MacBook, without doubt, Hypochandriac. Baj, re your startup time: My unibody MacBook cold starts in 18secs. I've copied this from another source to save having to explain in detail, but if you want to speed it up, you'll now know what to do: - "You may be able to speed up your boot process by understanding the fact that Mac OS X reads and preloads icons for everthing that is in your Documents folder and everything that is on your Desktop. Taking this concept to heart, if you keep a tidy desktop with the smallest number of items possible on it, and minimize the number of files you keep in your Documents folder, you may notice an improvement in boot time. I take this concept to heart myself, keeping only 5 icons on my desktop and keeping all my personal files in a separate "My Documents" folder as opposed to Apple's intended Documents folder. The only things to be found in my Documents folder are items that have been placed there by applications that store configuration information there. Microsoft Office is a notable offender in this regard, storing a hierarchy of folders there. Still on the topic of booting, make sure that you know what items are being loaded at login of your user account, and eliminate any of them that you don't feel are needed. You will find the list of login items in your System Preferences, Accounts, your_user_id, Login Items."
  6. Did on the MacMini, but only because it was bought with Higher Education discount and the AppleCare was at a stupidly low price. Haven't bothered with any of the other purchases.
  7. That's because you're simple.
  8. Our household has: White MacBook, Aluminium MacBook, MacMini, 2 iPhones, iPod Classic 120GB, 80GB 4th Gen iPod, 20GB Clickwheel iPod, iPod Nano, 2 iPod Shuffles - the only issues I've had over the years are a screen and battery issue on the white MacBook (fixed/replaced within 2 days by Apple each time) and the 20GB iPod sometimes freezes (user dropping it nto hard surface error). We've disposed of 2 PCs and a laptop which wasn't much older than my white MacBook (which is still working as new) in the last couple of years as they just weren't getting used anymore. I sure don't miss the amount of time I used to spend on Windows PCs and laptops getting frustrated by crashes, freezes, setting up firewalls, antivurus software, malware, adaware, and other bloatware.
  9. If he does, he wasn't using it this morning on the way to training: he was using his iPhone. So there.
  10. Source: Local taxi driver: Me: Jahidi's own words: In between playing with his iPhone.
  11. He is still training with us and the permit should be sorted out this week.
  12. So, to summarise: niceandfriendly would be best advised to back up the data on his memory stick if China and the USA ever go to war.
  13. Sounds like more fun than Pilchards had queuing up for a ticket the whole of the first half vs Northampton.
  14. Saintlard is having an affair with someone else's partner. Why, therefore, is HE being portrayed as the poor hard done by one? It's the cheating woman's partner who people should have sympathy for. I hope that once he finds out (IF he finds out and the woman isn't stringing lardy along) he kicks the crap out of lard. Having said that, lardy and the cheating slag are as bad as each other and probably deserve each other.
  15. If you're going to call someone a tw4t for being 'wrong', then you should at least get your Shirley, Thornhill, Millbrook and Lordshill facts right; You tw4tty ignoramus : r o l l :
  16. Like Hugh, I have various devices synchronised using MobileMe - 2 MacBooks, a MacMini, and 2 iPhones - as well as having my sister's family MacMini on my family pack subscription. If you utilise anything close to the full capabilities if MobileMe, then there's nothing to compare and it's a bargain for what you get IMO. Synchronisation of all of each user's bookmarks, mail, contacts, etc across all devices, Photo Galleries for displaying/ downloading / uploading / sharing photos, shared calendars, iDisk for file sharing, webspace, 5 email adresses each etc etc. I'm not really surprised that nobody can come up with anything as good, let alone free.
  17. They do: if people have installed the latest software version via the update button on iTunes, then there isn't a problem. The same vulnerability was first discovered on Google's Android OS and that was subsequently patched. How odd - I must've missed the OP's thread on that one : r o l l :
  18. Windows IS the problem.
  19. Do some work, you plonker.
  20. Just get an iPhone and thus a proper mobile browsing experience, Bateman, you technological dinosaur : r o l l :
  21. Knowing how imaginative The Northam Stand is, it'll probably just be: - "There's only one Markus Liebherr" or "Walking in a Liebherr Wonderland"
  22. People are waiting for you to arrive at the new b-anter URL. It's like they're waiting for your second (non-masturbation) coming. Only trouble is, nobody can get the URL to you due to no PMs, FB disappearance etc. If the URL was put on here we'd get the mongy ones on here (we all know who they are). One of the admins on here decided that the email you have listed isn't a valid one so wouldn't send you an email. Email me on essruu@hotmail.com and come give your fans a (non-masturbatory) treat.
  23. Probably Baj, for all of his comedy promises of a super site with super features if people paid £5. Maybe he's still working on it; maybe he's still laughing.
  24. Aside from the last 24hrs, I can't remember the last time I used up my 3 posts per day limit. Whether that says more about my ego or this forum, I'll leave for you to decide. B-anter was brought back mainly to stop Billynomates begging for it to come back at every opportunity on Facebook.
  25. It's busier/ funnier / cooler / more interesting than The Muppet Show is these days. Although, admittedly, that's not a difficult thing to be: we just exlude jillstain, the gay twins, saint_steveo and other such mongs. You wish you were Stu.
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