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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. Is your relationship with this 'girlfriend' who lives in another country one of these cyberweb ones where you've only actually met on MSN and face to face on a webcam? Or was she possibly bought as a gift from someone on t'internet and you had to pay customs duty on her as well, so that's why you are getting so incensed by Parcelforce's reasonably charges?
  2. I don't like dogs, so have no comment to make.
  3. It should probably have been posted in the General Sports (That Nobody Cares About) forum.
  4. Essruu


    I have a hunch that Dubai_Phil is incredibly fat.
  5. Just like: if you want to have a discussion with someone, you'll engage in a face to face talk (and not use an Internet message board); If you want to speak to someone on the telephone whilst you're out of the house, you'll pop 20p in a callbox (and not use one of those newfangled personal mobile cell phone things); If you want to write to someone, you'll get out your parchment and quill (t'internet email is what?); You're quite happy with your 15" Black & White telebox, thank you very much; and, do you want woofers and tweeters with your gramophone, grandad?
  6. The feed was about 1-2 mins behind the live action last night, meaning I was able to whip my iPhone out and watch the goals and contentious penalty decisions just after they'd happened. Yes, it 'needs' a wi-fi connection, but not if your iPhone is jailbroken and you've installed the 3G Unrestrictor App (which works whether it's 3G, Edge or GPRS) The Quality is superb. With this and http://www.iphone.tvcatchup.com , the available mobile tv channels are growing! It's a shame there are not more chabbels via SKY Mobile's far superior service though... maybe linked to your Sky Player account. Correct Shane: Not for Blackberrys or other rubbish phones.
  7. Anyone dumb enough to jailbreak and install ssh, then not change the default root password, deserves all they get.
  8. Will it open Google, so you can find out?
  9. Hmmmm http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/10/25/windows_7_reader_reviews_redux/
  10. I thought we'd signed him.
  11. At your age, that's a reason to celebrate in itself.
  12. No, it's more that they've once again spent some time looking at the last version of Mac OS X and played catch up by copying what they could :-$
  13. We have trains down here in the South now, you know. I hear that my next door neighbour even has running water too.
  14. Essruu


    Economic Left/Right: -3.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.35
  15. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4693602.Police_hunting_thugs_at_Saints_matches/
  16. Bad luck, chubby. You should have just tried to get more exercise.
  17. Oh, are you on holiday, Stu?
  18. Oh dear.
  19. Maybe some people just don't as much of an interest in everything P*mpey and their history as you do - maybe YOU are the secret Skate.
  20. We used to get the same problem with a Goodmans set. It was connected to a decent loft arial, pointing the correct way etc. The freezing and picture break up was horrible at times; To the point that I'd have to stick one arm in the air or lean to my left to stop it - it was mental. If I switched the set off and on or did a new channel search, I'd get different channels with different ones missing. In the end we just watched terrestrial 1-4 on it. Then we replaced it with a Samsung LCD - connected to the exact same arial we get full strength Signal and all channels. If you can possible try someone else's set with your arial, then do this. It may have nothing to do with your (possibly perfectly good) reception and everything to do with the sh1t tv.
  21. Safari.
  22. Or Harvey - he looks a bit f***ed up in the head; He possibly pounded her whilst screaming "who's my daddy".
  23. Her dad.
  24. I think we will win 5-0.
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