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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. Yes they do.
  2. Enter the world of Jailbreaking, then you can run Apps in the background, trick it into thinking you're on wi-fi to watch BBC iPlayer and Sky Sports etc., customise the look, feel, add folders, Five Apps in launch bar, and much more. JBing was the second best thing I did... after buying the iPhone in the first place. Blackra1n is the easiest way to do this.
  3. Calm down dear, it's only a phone.
  4. Lol @ Sotons East Side!!!! I didn't even bother Reading the whole of that linked page after reading just the first unbalanced paragraph and realising that it was written by the Free Software Foundation... talk about having a vested interest in slagging off a rival device!! There are plenty of free, non Apple-approved Apps out there once you jailbreak your iPhone. It doesn't even require any technical ability these days to jb, with the simple blackra1n software. On the Bluetooth file sending issue: who does this on a phone except 11 yr old girls sending the latest crap song from MC McDizzee Dub Dubz to their friend? Anyway, there are Apps and email to send files to the person standing next to you; If the other person has an iPhone too, then Apps like Mover make it even easier to send stuff than by Bluetooth! The thing I am gutted about is that my iPhone cannot send MMS messages, like SES says. I am going to have to stop sending photos to people using the built in MMS functionality on my iPhone now then... oh noes. If you're going to link to totally biased anti-iPhone rantings, at least link to up to date ones and get your facts straight!! My iPhone's O2 contract is the first contract that I haven't either upgraded the phone on or switched contracts to get the latest up to date handset on- there simply is no need. When, after 18mths, no other handset has improved upon what my iPhone can do - what's the point? All I'd do is get the 3GS, but I'm happier to switch to a £20 per month 30 Day Simplicity contract and be free to cancel and switch at that point to the next device that is miles ahead of the competition (we all know this is going to be the iPhone 4G).
  5. - Fonte's medical was at 12 Noon yesterday - Minty was wrong to doubt me - Some people have less discretion than me and didn't mind blabbing club doctor details - Jose Fonte is a good player
  6. This is the main board; I know the rules! There are other clubs interested in him also, but we're hoping to wrap up the signing soon. Palace are deperate for some money.
  7. He arrived at the club doctor's surgery 5 mins ago for a medical.
  8. I'm supposed to be driving to Heathrow, Guildford and up the hills in Bath tomorrow morning: could be interesting!!
  9. Old Etonians won it twice too. They now play amateur football in the Arthurian League. So, chin up: if/when it all goes pop for your little club, maybe they'll let you join their league and play with them; Then you'll soon be able to argue that despite how there are no living survivors who saw your cup wins, your survivors died more recently and therefore you are the greatest cup winners in the history of the dead.
  10. Lol
  11. It could do with a good clean. Also, all of that SFC tat in the rear window looks rather naff. I was embarrassed to be staying at the same Colchester Holiday Inn, but tried to convince myself that such a car probably belonged to either a girl or a little old lady, bless her.
  12. iPhone. Nothing compares.
  13. My jailbroken iPhone being superior to all other mobile phone/web/media devices, and laughing at those who marvel over their chunky, clunky Nokias.
  14. Mac Mini.
  15. How would people be reacting now if Markus showed the same lack of ambition as those above?
  16. Yes, it will.
  17. My sister has said that my niece wants a Michael Jackson 2010 calendar as part of her Christmas present. I refuse to buy this for her as I detest the man and his music. Does anybody know where I can get a Gary Glitter calendar for her instead?
  18. Get a second hand, reformatted MacBook. It'll outperform and outlast any of those you're looking at.
  19. Yup. Could've just been moved to The Muppet Show, as the original stupid moan story was finished anyway. Poor Modding. This whole thread and Baj's handling of it / re-infracting just serves to highlight what a poor, crumbling version of Keith's SaintsForever this forum has become. You're now only able to talk about and laugh at the things that the SuperMods want you to: It's the scripted, sit there and politely clap, canned laughter alternative to SaintsForever's ad-libbed, stand up comedy genius. R.I.P. Fun.
  20. Pancake Pacake Supermod gave me an infraction recently, just because I am funny and he and Deanovski have no sense of humour. However, I have not opened up the message to read what he had to say because it's probably something really boring.
  21. So, she lied when sending the parcel out, by stating that the value was 'less than £/$50' in order to avoid paying the correct sum for postage/insurance. She is clearly a woman of low morals and integrity. If she has had othe Internet fools 'visit NY' then I doubt that she is going to be truthful about it to you; In fact, she'd probably get all of her friends involved in covering up and not telling you the truth (that is if her men friends aren't poking her anyway). It's best that you've found out now what a lying, cheating slut she might be. Dump her by MSN Messenger and salvage some respect for yourself.
  22. Settings > Mail,Contacts,Calendars > Add [Mail] Account There you'll see the Yahoo! button to guide you through the set up process and add a Yahoo! email account. Luckily, not everybody is as rude as Baj. I hope this helps.
  23. Was it a Club Virgin holiday at the Los Desperados Resort?
  24. Cool, it's not just a stupid Internet relationship for losers then; You've actually met her five times in real life as well. I note that you made the effort to visit her on her birthday, yet not only could she not be bothered to visit you on yours, she couldn't even parcel a cheap birthday gift to you properly and has caused you all of this heartache. The fact that she's not introduced you to a her whole family and you don't know how many other Internet men have/do/will 'visit NY', should not detract from this wonderful story of love.
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