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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. Unbelievable. Why the hell would anyone take an 8yr old Who gets bored of football, to Wembley. A proper non-Mexican Waving supporter was deprived of a ticket so that an 8yr old, who wasn't interested, could join in a Mexican Wave. You could've let her mum take her to The Disney Shop or something. We had great seats in the front tow of the upper tier by choice in the first ticket release: fantastic view, but as the rest of seats for the last ticket sales were in the upper tier, we definitely had more than our fair share of the JCL, plastic, face-painted jester brigade. It's these people (plus kids) who think Mexican Waves are a fun thing to do at football.
  2. The simple answer is NO (unless you have backed up your SHSH hashes via Cydia; Which you won't have done on your 3GS). The best place to keep abreast of things is at http://blog.iphone-dev.org/
  3. A bloke in our street: couldn't get a ticket.
  4. Na na na na na na na na na naaaa, na naaaa Na na na na na na na na na naaaa, na naaaa Na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na Rickie Lambert, Southampton's goal machine.
  5. But The Northam still think they are the best football song singers in the world :smt119
  6. From my seat in Itchen Block 8, I can confirm that the atmosphere was indeed odd. The Northam were so outsung by the few Hartlepool fans at times, it was funny. When will The Northam grasp the fact that they need to slow down virtually every song they sing? OWTSGMI when sung slowly is the ONLY song that the whole ground can sing together. It cannot fail to raise the hairs on the back of everyones necks when sung properly (slowly) by the whole ground. Even one turn at low speed and then singing it at 100mph does not work. Spurs sing it well that way, but only because their 2nd and 3rd round are still slower than The Northam tries to sing it. Singing it as fast as The Northam does, only serves to lose the rest of the ground immediately (as does starting with "I wanna be...." as that never even finishes a full turn) Even the Rickie Lambert song is starting to lose it's impressiveness at times, due to it being sung too quickly. Sing it slower and pronouncing the words properly rather than rushing them sounds impressive (think the Liverpool/Torres version speed). I pity the girlfriends/wives of The Northam males... if their speed in bed is anything like their speed to finish songs so quickly, that's a lot of ****ing women.
  7. You don't need to sync or connect to iTunes or anything to rectify this. You will find that it only does this on 3rd Party Apps, not any of the pre-installed Apps. It's to do with how the device does a check that it's a validly installed and authorised App. All you need to do is launch the App Store, then install a new App (any free one will do) and it will re-authorise all of the Apps. You can then delete the newly installed App (or not) if you don't want it. A sync with iTunes has the same result because it's automatically checking/authorising the iPhone, but if you're away from your computer then just install an App!
  8. Actually, that was a rubbishly spelt rubbish 20,000th post. I still hope they die on 15th and don't even make their semi final appearance!!
  9. So I guess it will just be a rubbish post like this one that will actuall do it. Oh well. Die P*mpey, Die.
  10. I thought all of the saddoes would be out now, trying to get the 20,000th post...
  11. On the contrary: I read it that HMRC are suggesting that they [pfc/bc etc] don't know what they're doing.
  12. Do we really need a dozen people posting the same news feeds? Can't just one of you take it upon yourself to copy and paste from the Snooze site?
  13. Fake and ugly without tons of make up. She also has a bit of a Planet Of The Apes face going on. **** singer too. So: No.
  14. It's mainly because you're using a Windows machine and not a Mac / Linux one.
  15. This one is correct.
  16. Network unlocking, SB Settings, Themes, 3G Unrestrictor, Enabling Backgrounding, downloading Apps that aren't authorised/available on iTunes, 'free' Apps that you'd otherwise have to pay for on iTunes (eg TomTom Europe, FIFA 10 etc.) etc. I was perfectly happy with my iPhone pre-Jailbreak. Jailbreaking just opens up a wealth of additional userability, functionality and (for those who are happy to illegally download Apps that they'd otherwise have to pay for: cost effectiveness.
  17. I'll wait until Blackra1n releases an update. I use too many jailbroken Apps and features to worry about a not very useful firmware update.
  18. That's what I was going to say too. A year of 'Yellows, Yellows, Yellows...' at home instead of away :-)
  19. Have no fear - I will only use it with an iW@nksock on my todger.
  20. That spelling is, too.
  21. Airplane Mode, no network, no wifi, brightness down, not listening to the iPod or watching YouPorn, and not constantly using it... yeah, as a survival tool this is easily achievable IMO.
  22. Want to survive an earthquake? There's an App for that.....
  23. I don't think that you should attempt to pick someone up on their spelling or grammar: not with your poor comma use, nor with you not knowing when to use 'worse' or 'worst'.
  24. You really (rwallu) don't have to worry (qorry) about pressing (oresaing) the wrong key, because even if you hit the key (jey) next to the one (ine) you want. It corrects (corrpcts) it for (fpr) you. (The words in brackets are the deliberately wrongly tapped spellings I made that were auto-corrected by my iPhone. It's intelligent predictive text, not just based on the actual keys you tap!)
  25. It's iPhone.
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