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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. "It's like our first team going to Man City." No, Andy: It's like your first team going to Southampton.
  2. Whoosh whoosh.
  3. He's gone and deleted it, the bottlejob!
  4. It would be funny if your entire family got wiped out by a non-criminal by someone driving a car with no MOT Certificate, bald tyres and no insurance; even funnier if the wheel shaft snapped and your mother was decapitated in the resulting smash.
  5. You need an address (or at least a zip code) in India when signing up to StarSports. Whenever I need a foreign address got these sort of things, I just Google a British Embassy address! I use UnoTelly SmartDNS. It works. The quality is not as good as AJS, but perfectly watchable and better than the free streams, with no ads to deal with. You can AirPlay to ATV, but the quality suffers resolution issues and becomes more pixelated the bigger your tv. I have MacMini connected to my lounge tv and that is ok. The best looking quality is on the iPad. There is also not much difference between using the dedicated app or using their web app/straight from a browser.
  6. This thread is much better if you put Barry Sanchez on ignore.
  7. Not strictly true. It depends on how the BT Sport username was set up by the btintermet user; I have to use the @btinternet.com suffix when I log in.
  8. Number 17 Alert. Where is VFTT ?
  9. No, you don't. I don't have BT broadband, but my dad does. I use his login details and watch at home on my broadband, on 3G on my iPad and iPhone when out, or on any wifi connection. As long as you have a valid login and password, you can use any Internet connection!
  10. I watched AJS on the iPad today, instead of the Mac. It was perfectly good; no freezes, smooth and HD-like. It was better than through the Mac, I'd say - much smoother.
  11. He wanted to replicate the type of coffee he was getting at McDonalds, which is filtered coffee. He therefore only needed a cheap and cheerful plastic machine; not an all-singing, all-dancing high quality bean to cup machine that would last a lifetime. Therein lies the Windows/Android : Mac/iOS comparison that you do desperately crave. You muppet.
  12. No. Those not on International duty have a full week of training as normal.
  13. Define 'just'. He bought his Chilworth home months ago.
  14. This was one of the things I spoke to him about last night. Let's just say he would love to play in the Brazil WC...
  15. Ours was more "Utcha mate", although I do use Wotcha quite regularly now. "Wotcha Mush" was always how I greeted my nephew when he was younger. Also, 'nipper' to me was always a male; I find it quite strange when people refer to girls as nippers,
  16. Try the 'Travelling without a ticket' thread. You always get in ;-)
  17. What do you think would've happened if you had been just outside the warranty period?!
  18. Dani will not be playing at Stoke (nor Sunderland.)
  19. Blimey, is is still the year 2004 where you live?
  20. I've just bought a SIM-free 32GB White/Gold iPhone 5S to replace my iPhone 5. How many plastic Samsung/Google/HTC monstrosities could I have wasted my money on for the same £629?
  21. What would have happened if a similar problem occurred with the Nexus 4 that you made reference to, for instance? Could she have walked into a shop and been given a brand new handset for a battered old one that was 2 months out of warranty? Could she have sent it off to Google and had it replaced (notwithstanding the fact that she would have been without a handset for weeks/months even OF the replaced it!)? My daughter had a not too dissimilar experience recently: iMessage on her iPhone 5 started playing up not long after she started using iMessage on her iPad Mini, plus calls would often drop out about 4-5mins into a call. The iMessage issue was a known problem after the iOS 7 rollout (and incidentally was rectified by a firmware update the day after her visit to the Apple Store!) The call issue was not replicated in-store, so it is not known whether it was a software or Network Provider issue.) She walked out with a brand new handset within minutes- no testing, no days without a handset whilst it is investigated, just a no quibble and instant replacement and another happy customer. And people still wonder why it is worth paying for Apple's quality products and customer service that is second to none?
  22. He and his girlfriend love it here, have fitted in very well with other players and their families and socialise with them. They are renting at the moment but desperate to find the right family home to buy. Put it this way: Don't go betting on a move to Juventus or anywhere else anytime soon; and don't believe unsubstantiated rubbish.
  23. Both are ok and cheap-ish. Some good historical places to visit also if you're into that. Just don't be persuaded to but a boat trip to The Blue Lagoon - it's tiny, overcrowded beyond belief and a waste of time just to see a small patch of clear blue water.
  24. ... except it does not work with all of my Apple equipment!! I will reiterate my point re comparing a standalone iPhone /Android: You pay your money and take your chance; I have, however, seen no evidence that a fully integrated Windows/Android/Google TV system comes even close to the Mac/iOS/Apple TV experience. I own a Sony Google TV box and it is massive heap of dust-gathering turd.
  25. 'Rapier' Employment. Who thinks these company names up?!
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