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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. Any photos of you both roaring the lads on on Friday, joinedonmonday@yahoo.MOT ?
  2. All I see when I look at the present day Pahars is a Ted Lasso (Season 3) Nathan Shelley 🫣
  3. At the Norwich match after the first goal we turned to look at each other aghast at the music as generally hate it. But by goals 3 and 4 my mind had been swayed. I noticed on against QPR that it doesn't kick in immediately after the goal. The initial organic crowd celebration still happens without the music. After X secs when the music starts, it's normally when the initial elation and celebrations begin to subside into more sedate clapping; The music just keeps the crowd engaged and prolongs the celebration IMO. As long as it never starts immediately when the goal goes in, I'm coming round to it.
  4. Essruu

    Injury Watch

    Immediately after the match he said he was hoping it was calf and not achilles. But seemed to be fearing the worst.
  5. It was red you f*****s, as well you know. I could dig it out of my wardrobe to prove it, you colour blind maggots.
  6. Yes, we bought one for the bro-in-law. All worked fine when following the email link. £10 +£1.50 booking fee ( 🙄 ) but then it's near our seats in Block 15 and the cheapest seats anyway, so not sure what happens to others when you try to select a seat in other areas.
  7. Judging by the level of enthusiasm your discussion has generated on this thread on a Saints forum, it's not looking good 🤔
  8. Did you have to show your vaginas?
  9. I’d LOVE is to have a song to an Idles tune; and that is one of their best! Good work
  10. The South Coast Giants’ Derby.
  11. Top of the league by October then.
  12. They had a problem with their PayPal account. I had to renew my subscription this week with Bitcoin; but they should be back with PayPal witching the next few days.
  13. If you have the Apple TV 4 or above, you can just download GSE IPTV on the Apple TV itself. Works well, but not as pretty as Flawless on Kodi.
  14. They used to say the same thing about calling darkies ‘n!ggers’, and queers ‘faggots’. They seem to have done a fair job of eradicating those words.
  15. Raheem Sterling.
  16. Essruu

    Just fyi

    It’s not closed ‘from 8pm tonight because of the football’ at all. It’s a planned overnight closure. It is also ONLY the Westbound carriageway that is closed, so it wouldn’t affect people coming in from Forest/Waterside anyway, just their home bound journeys if after 8pm.
  17. Well if he was trying to pull the wool, he'd hardly admit it to friends who would blab it to their family members! It's a shame your family member wasn't also friends with senior medical and Physio staff who were involved in 'treatment' and viewing scan results etc [emoji848]
  18. [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38] He genuinely wasn't. He bottled it at the end of his time with us. Medicals and scans don't lie.
  19. I always preferred him as Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther.
  20. [emoji1360] Osvaldo, Woooooah Osvaldo, Woooooah He nutted Jose Fonte For being a massive c**t
  21. So how did that pan out? I have it on good authority that you went straight to the ticket machine [emoji16]
  22. Visit picturesque Prague, ignore local bars and taverns, head straight for the nearest Irish bar. Brilliant *facepalm*
  23. It seemed a bit of a scattergun strike. We were still there until the weekend. I'm not sure what happened in the morning strike, as we surfaced late and then walked a lot; but in the evening we took some public transport after the 18:00 time that the strike was supposed to recommence. We took a number 9 tram around 18:30, intending to head back down to the Naviglio area, but headed in the wrong direction - so decided to stay on an check out some other remote districts (forgetting about the strike!) When we decided to head back, we waited with a load of other people at a tram stop, only to have a completely empty tram drive straight past without stopping! Everyone started walking off. We checked out the nearby Metro (Line 1) station and there were people exiting, but all barriers in blocked. We walked a bit and then took a No 2 Metro without problems straight to the canal. Coming back was another No 9 tram. I can see why some thought there were no disruptions and some thought everything was a nightmare. It was neither, really; or a bit of both, depending on how lucky or unlucky you were.
  24. It wasn't really, though. It's not like he thought "I'll show these stupid Englishmen what bravery is - I'll put my hands in the air so they think I'l trying to save the shot; but really, I'll just stick my face in the way of the ball and take it straight in the kisser. That'll show them." He tried to save it, he missed, and got clobbered in the mush. It's that simple.
  25. How about NO.
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