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Berkhamsted Saint

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Everything posted by Berkhamsted Saint

  1. Did 16 away games this season. Best ones were Fulham, Liverpool and Man Utd. Only missed Hull Everton and Cardiff in the league
  2. My company does 60% of it's business with EU countries. Whether we are in or out of Europe our clients would still do business with us. It is nonsense to suggest that coming out of Europe would cost thousands of jobs.
  3. General advice is fine but you need proper legal advice from a solicitor. Can put you in touch with a good employment one if you want.
  4. Cambodia and Laos are excellent. Siem Reap is a tourist trap built around Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat itself is worth visiting but make sure you see the true Cambodia which Siem Reap certainly isnt. Phnom Penh is much more interesting. Would recommend visiting the Killing Fields and S-21 Concentration camp. In terms of Thailand the south is very touristy and Chaing Mai in the North is better.
  5. When we brought Guly on as sub (who did okay when he came on) there were 3 complete bell ends who as he was coming on started slagging him off and walked out of the ground (block E232). Fing Guly this and he is sh!t etc before he touched the ball.. Total embarrassment. They made a big thing about walking out so all the fans around knew why they were walking out. The funny thing was Guly did well and the three bell ends missed the best 10 minutes of the game.
  6. My other half is solicitor drop me an email to dmmcltd@btinternet.com and I can put you in touch. She has agreed a quick 5 minute free phone consultation to point you in the right direction if that is of interest.
  7. Yes they can - no issue. If you want one done it's around £100. You dont need a power of attorney the person abroad could just have the papers sent to them abroad and returned signed via Fedex.
  8. I would recommend dinner at the Sky Bar. Not cheap but stunning location.
  9. Have just sent you an email.
  10. Saw Forren play for the U21's. Never a Premier league player. Very poor signing.
  11. Jimmy Redpath died a few years ago
  12. The sensors on the BMW will track the condition of the parts and adjust the service intervals based on how you drive. Always get the BMW serviced on these intervals. On the front brakes one when you reach 0 miles to service you have about 500 miles until the pads start to damage the discs. Having followed the service intervals I had 180,000 trouble free miles on my last BMW. Not following the service intervals is asking for trouble. Also I would only ever take my BMW to a proper BMW dealer.
  13. My last one had 190k (530d) on the clock when it was written off in an accident. Never once put oil in it between services. Was fully expecting to get another 100,000 miles out of it before changing it. One before was a petrol. I part exchanged it with 180k on the clock. If it was me I would go for the diesel engine, very reliable, very fast and better economy. The key thing with BMW's is to have a full BMW service history. Dont touch one without it.
  14. Regret not seeing the Sex Pistols back in the 70's and X Ray Spex.
  15. I know Harry Kerr and whilst he may not have the money himself he clearly does have contacts with well off individuals who would have the funds needed to buy the Skates. I think you will find Harry is organising the bid rather than raising the money himself.
  16. Very popular guy around Nelson Gate where he worked.
  17. Hemel Saint only having a pint or two. That will be a first. :-)
  18. Interesting that beneath the flag is mainly London Saints. Perhaps they want to join Colslaw too.
  19. Tossa and Colslaw share the same email list these days and it is Watford not Wales. We will be represented at every away game this season and there were around 20 of us yesterday at the game. Drink in the Prince of Wales for home games. Also Watford is not a **** hole - I live there!!
  20. Have seen 82 clubs either home or away and have seen 72 of them away.
  21. I did this is the early 70's so I could ride my bike to Shirley Middle school. Did rather well and scored 100% and won an award from the Daily Mail as a result. I also had my award presented by Roy Castle. (rip) Mind you not been back on a bike since the late 70's. Seem to recall it was quite popular back then.
  22. Due to holidays ended up only going to 43 games this season - less than usual. Not too bad considering I live in Watford now. Did Carlisle away again but gutted to miss Hartlepool and Rochdale away due to work commitments.
  23. Contact Old Sarum on here he is involved with London Saints and may be able to help.
  24. Guinea Pig on holiday in Peru this year. Served whole including the head and claws.
  25. I run my own company and the best piece of advice I can give you is before you do anything go and see an accountant. It could save you thousands over time. Have seen so many people try and do things on the cheap which ends up costing them a lot of money in the long run. A decent accountant will always pay for themselves.
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