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Everything posted by Pip

  1. Surely we have to wait until they're knocked out of the World Cup?!
  2. Another one to add to my ignore list
  3. Yes she has my support as she has put a lot of money into the Club so far and got us back to the Premier League. We have no right to expect her to keep throwing money at the Club just because some people would like to see us play in the Champions League. Markus bought into us because we were a steady family orientated club who took great pleasure in our successes but didn't think we had an automatic right to them. I will be very sad to see any of our players go as I can see the potential the team has but Markus said that the team had to be self supporting at the end of the 5 year plan. We must respect that. Our Club has been saved, we are back where we belong, we have the potential to produce many more from our fantastic Academy. Our glass is more than half full thanks to the Liebherr family.
  4. So let me get this straight. A few years ago we had a man in charge who had too much power and we were desperate to get rid of him and said "Never again let one man have so much control over something that he is only a custodian of" Now we have a man with too much power over something that does not belong to him and we are devastated at his departure because players will only play for him and not the club etc etc. This time last year all the players were considering their futures when the manager who had given them the opportunity to play in the Premier League was dismissed. The owner of the club that her father loved is going to soil his memory by running it into the ground because she is known to despise football. Am I right so far? Think I'll go and jump off a bridge. Conclusive evidence that we're doomed.
  5. Different school of thought. Perhaps Katarina really does care about what is HER Club and got fed up with constant stand offs with Nicola. She has stood up to the master negotiator and won. Perhaps things are not so bleak as everyone thinks.
  6. Fed up with all this changing. Think they should use some of the tv money to recompense season ticket holders who can no longer make the game. Why should we be expected to pay in advance for games when we don't even know when they will take place? It wouldn't be hard to block a ST for one game with the new turnstiles.
  7. Why are people resigned to an increase? I've not had a pay rise for 5 years, inflation is still quite low, there's a recession on but when it comes to football - which earns a fortune from telly rights - people seem to think it'll be acceptable if the increase is "only" 10% or less than £100. If there's any increase at all I'll have to think seriously about renewing. There's very little benefit to a season ticket apart from convenience these days and the club should think very seriously about where it pitches prices this year.
  8. I think it's ridiculous that the players warm up and then the pitch is watered. How are they supposed to know which boots to wear if the conditions are changed after the warm up?
  9. To be honest I found the idiots who shouted "Who?" and then booed when Posh introduced some past players far more embarrassing. I presume we'll pick up a few more morons if and when we return to the Prem.
  10. Television angle. I was right in line and he was onside.
  11. I have no doubt that Sharp will learn how to play the Southampton Way over the summer but at the moment we have a 5 game season and a team that are tensing up for obvious reasons. All we need is to score more goals than the opposition for those games and I'm sure Nigel will put out the team that he thinks will do that. I don't care if it's not the same scintillating football as it was over the first part of the season - I just want us to win.
  12. Hate to bring a bit of decorum to this forum but to quote the Bard "Many a true word is spoken in Jest"
  13. I feel that we bought so many strikers in the window because Rickie's role is evolving and he could end up being the player in the hole or at the tip of the diamond which would enable us to play with 2 strikers, Rickie, Lallana and possibly a goal scoring winger/midfielder on the pitch. Fantastic for us but terrifying for the opposition!
  14. I think the appeal system in tennis is a good one. You get a certain number of appeals per game. If you are correct you get the point and keep the same number of appeals. If you're wrong you lose an appeal. It stops excessive appeals and the replays on screen seem to add to the game experience. I'm sure this could be adapted for football.
  15. When you consider the amount of stick Lambert takes without reacting at all I think I'd have to have a close look at a replay to see whether he really did deck someone.
  16. Danny Butterfield was sat next to me on an exercise bike at the gym this morning.
  17. Pip

    Radhi Jaidi

    I've just seen him down at the gym with some other injured players. He looks pretty fit considering he's been out for a while and he was certainly putting the effort in. I hope he gets back to play a few games for us in his last season but he'll be hard pressed to oust Jose or Jos.
  18. So we'd rather risk losing Kelvin for a large chunk of the season by risking him when he's not fit just to avoid playing Bart in one game? Not sure I'd agree with that one even if it is against pompey.
  19. I can see both sides. As a fan I want to see the exciting football that we all know the team are capable of and turned on for the vital 10 minutes last night. However, it's a long old season and there's no point in playing flat out when you don't need to. The message from the bench is very obviously to keep the ball and therefore stop the opposition from playing -it's effective but it's just not the gung ho attitude we're used to from Saints.
  20. I'm sure the players weren't disappointed that Nicola wasn't able to spend his money on buying the fans a drink. It was ovbiously burning a hole in his pocket as they persuaded him to shell out on a trip to Las Vegas for them instead on the coach home!
  21. To me the shambles is that I ordered online on 2 July and the only option was to collect from the stadium but when I went down to the stadium 2 weeks later I was told it would not be ready for another fortnight. Not a problem as such but a note on my receipt or on the web page would have saved a wasted journey.
  22. You don't see it as ironic that you make a claim like this and call yourself Jackanory?
  23. Pip

    Jack Cork

    May depend on whether he just wants a year in the Prem with Swansea or wants to be a part of a team that will enjoy getting there and staying there.
  24. I had the pleasure of being in a group of people chatting to Alex recently and he is a lovely young man. He reckons that last game against Walsall and scoring the goal was the best moment of his life and he obviously genuinely loves the club. When someone started talking about how much influence his dad has had on his career and how much he owes him he very politely corrected them and said he owed it all to his mum. I just wonder whether his parents are still together and , if not, whether this is dad's way of beating his chest and showing who's boss. Either way, Alex is a very mature and sensible young man who loves being a part of this club so I wouldn't start throwing your toys out of the pram and making him feel unwelcome and dispensible just yet.
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