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Everything posted by alkasteve

  1. What - no last minute equaliser to drive me to drink for the night? I'll have to celebrate instead... with a drink
  2. If you watched MOTD you'll have seen Schwarzer wasn't even touched and just fell over on his own accord
  3. It's all pretty cringeworthy - toungue in cheek or not - should we really be boasting we're on the same level as Plymouth and Sheffield Wednesday? Sheesh.
  4. Lovely jubbly - this isn't like us?
  5. I live round the corner from the stadium so I might pop along, just to be ITK on something for the first time ever - seeing him actually play Strangely Lincoln's next home game is against Torquay.... spooky.
  6. I'm pretty sure if you're classed as being in admin then you've already got a transfer embargo - but generally it just applies to bringing in players rather than letting them go. This seems to have some info for what happened with Leeds - but basically we need the share back to do any kind of buying http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/l/leeds_united/6915926.stm
  7. League 1 doesn't get daily coverage in the national press though.
  8. The same way it's been a punishment in the years since the Leicester administration event - go into admin you lost 10 points that season, amended for 10 next season if you got relegated due to Leeds/Boston going into admin on the last day of the season to avoid the loss next season. Of course you could argue it should be automatic relegation which is a proper punishment, but then we'd be possibly looking at League 2 ourselves.
  9. That could very well be true - does that kinda make me ITK then?
  10. No - the 10 points penalty would apply this season which was the original punishment for administration - the 10 points next season if you're already relegated after a certain date was added on after the Leeds/Boston fun which is probably why it looks bodged - it is. As for legality remember (as the football league is a members club) it was voted in by most of the FL clubs so this is the punishment that they wanted - granted it was brought in to get at Ken Bates but it's only rebounded on everyone else. It might be difficult to undo as well now or at least in the near furture lest certain people complain.
  11. Well we can't do anything until we're out of admin - for a start we'll be under an embargo so forget about buying players
  12. Yay - another celebratory muffin in the works. Even if in the end the win was important because everyone apart from Norwich won, hopefully we can become masters of our own destiny rather than hoping another team fall to bits. Personally I think it's because I started following the match on my ipod touch via iFooty - we've won both times since
  13. Woohoo! Now don't stuff this up - we'd need more than muffins if we win
  14. Oh lordy - it's about all I can say really....
  15. Not too much complaint with that (I suppose you could nitpick about their 2 goals but not today...) - a evening I can enjoy and it's got to be at least worth the whole pack of Chocolate Chip Muffins :snakeman:
  16. Good to win, every little (point) counts. Of course if the other team have been so poor it's a bit of a downer we've not taken advantage ourselves a la Barnsley. You don't want to be in 22nd at the end of the season and 1 point behind whoever who we could/should have beaten and regretting it. And besides if we're not going to beat the good teams (and of which there are many) then these are even more important - remember points means prizes! And I even had a chocolate muffin to celebrate
  17. No Scooby is totally serious - which is probably more worrying. And as for flatcaps I could understand if we were located oop north in Barnsley chuck, but Southampton?
  18. It's my fault - on my score predictor competition at work I put us down for a 1-0 win, as I was writing I was saying I've jinxed us by doing it. Sorry!
  19. I wouldn't agree with phil to be fair. We were signing squad players for years so nothing too special in that. And really a bit odd to praising a player who wants to park himself on the bench and let everyone else have the fun. And if that was his attitude you'd hardly expect an Exeter fan to be excited about him - cheap (for a footballer) wages or not. Any footballer happy to sit around and do sod all is a waste of space and would be worth spending the money on someone who did care.... Which is why I disagree - maybe he does want to break into the team, maybe he does give a damn and not just be here to make up the numbers. Maybe he does want to play more than 10 full games a year. Phil's comments might just seem a bit on the demeaning side (although well intentioned) as he probably got that from his dad all the time, he should be giving JP earhole a good bending making sure he knows he's there and asking to play. Hey, wierd and random but it's Friday.
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