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Cleveland 782

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  1. Come on saints - sign someone!
  2. Breaking news on SSN
  3. I've still got 2 in block 15 if anyone interested.
  4. Evening, I have an adult and under 11 pair of tickets for Chelsea game which are no longer needed block 15. Paid £60 and just want money back. Friend and son can no longer make new year visit. If interested email me on srjbrowning@hotmail.com. Thanks
  5. Hi, I don't normally post but have an opinion on this. I sit in chapel corner with my son and had a row with a bloke about 5 rows back for shouting repeatedly, "Boruc your f""king s"hit - go back to f""king Poland". Him being Polish and not Kelvin was a big issue for this guy. I'm sure similar comments came from behind the goal! My attitude is always support the players - support the team!
  6. Don't post very often but have just got our 4 tickets nenewed in the Chapel -My mate and our two young sons and felt is was worthy! I appreciate alot of the frustrations of others but it does feel great to know these tickets are coming!! I'm sure most of you will find a way to beg, borrow and steal to get your seats. Its going to be a great season. Make it work! Now for some big signings - COYR :smt038
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