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Dearne Valley Saint

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Everything posted by Dearne Valley Saint

  1. Can you confirm we are back with Adidas/other quality manufacturer or is it another "in house" model Turkish
  2. Motivational speakers are con men full of **** #Ralph
  3. @dazhawkins.
  4. Nice one on the door step. Looking forward to it.
  5. Born and brought up in Rotherham, South Yorkshire but for some reason since the age of 4 or 5 I absolutely fell in love with Southampton fc...No idea why. Visited the dell once and finally got to St Marys this year for my 40th, just a shame it was the WBA game! Highlight of my life was meeting Steve Moran in a pub near Hull and getting a load of signed stuff from him as a wedding present. Complete gentleman. The Saints shirt normally raises a few eye brows in the local supermarket
  6. They won't. I'm not from Southampton Ask 5 neutrals which teams are famous for stripes and they won't mention Saints. They mention WBA and Stoke before Saints...bizarrely
  7. Southampton are not famous for stripes. Keegan, Cotterill, Hummel (Denmark kit), Sash era. All none stripes. As Saints fans you are kidding yourself if you think Saints are famous for stripes!
  8. Cheers mate. Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it. Spend a fortune in the club shop, great game and night out in Southampton. Excellent 40th
  9. 40th birthday tickets for this one. First trip to St Mary's and can't wait. Travelling down from Yorkshire for it. 2-0 Saints
  10. Agreed. Time for the Rank Xerox/Air Florida remix kit. Legendary Saints kit and the one everyone thinks of when they think of Saints
  11. We are going down...Nailed on
  12. Sat in the Kop with a Liverpool mate and he said it was the quietist he had ever heard. But he also said we weren't the kind of opposition to make a noise against. No gripe, no history,no rivalry. He had a point. Apart from our keeper time wasting ( their words) we gave and offered nothing
  13. Love GSS but today Jeff and the panel really annoyed me. Made it sound like we'd sign 3 nobody's and dismissed us out of hand. We've proved our ambition and should be commended for this. Mentioning the Echo dispute was just pathetic from Jeff Stelling.
  14. Hated the era (kit wise) but loved the White one with the red flashes. Next season is perfect for a new look zerox kit and and a blue/pale blue zerox away strip. Perfect for our return to the top league
  15. Costing us promotion! If cov is on telly ŵe are fukkkkd
  16. If we go up please buy defenders
  17. This x 7 million. The perfect season for it (if we are promoted of course)
  18. Agreed. Sorry but awful tonight. IF we go up (and it's a big if ) we need defenders, midfielders and forwards. We ain't gonna a Norwich/Swansea in the premier !
  19. I glad I booked tomorrow off because if this result stays the same I will (out of respect) get hammered
  20. No excuses with the Palace line up. Should win...emphasis on should
  21. Was thinking exactly the same watching today. Done fantastic for Wednesday so far
  22. Barnsley have been on the beach with a big fat cigar since the realised they were safe a month or so ago much to the frustration of Barnsley fans. Unfortunately I think wham could win by a cricket score. I really hope I am wrong
  23. @SaintDaz on twitter. Mainly stalk these boards. Love the Saints. That is all
  24. Hope is Dad is happy now
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