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Jimmy Gabriel's Halo

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gabriel's Halo

  1. You might remember that the French, the Italians et al are all subject to The Human Rights Act which the UK also, stupidly IMO, signed up to. So how come the French don't muck about as is shown above, the Italians also chucked a load of thieving, trouble making Rumanians out last year and all we do is stand there wringing our hands and saying "but we have to comply with the law, we must give them houses and benefits and cars and free mobile phones etc etc etc". If the French and Italians are going to ignore the law (as they always do) when it suits them, why are we the only suckers that ever comply with anything that comes out of Strasbourg ? I sometimes think we should be more like the French (i.e. ungovernable) at times, then we wouldn't get walked over by the political so-called elite of this country. By the way, in case you think I'm a heartless b'stard, I do think that genuine refugees, victims of war or natural disasters for example, should be taken care of. After all, if it wasn't for Idi Amin we probably wouldn't have so many curry houses over here now and I do love a chicken pathia.
  2. Slight change of tack here, but some thoughts required from those ITK. Following my spectacularly successful cleanout of BetFred last season when I took them out on a bet of Portsmouth, Hull & Burnley being relegated from the Prem I was thinking of including the Skates in another prediction for relegation. However, I am slightly hesitant to include them because - 1) they may not start the season and 2) if they do, will they finish it thus possibly voiding my shillings worth. What's the word on the street, guys ?
  3. Scuse me if I've missed something..............but, seriously, is he.....?? That would be SO funny if true.
  4. So, Schneiderlin didn't play twice yesterday. This is a case for............Sherlock Holmes. Oooooooooooooooooooo.................... 8-)
  5. Further to my above reply, don't forget that at this time of year people are often away on holiday and may not have access to a PC - they maybe forget they have bid on something and can't complete the transaction until their return. Also, my brother had experience of a NPB, claimed his listing fee back from ebay and left really scathing negative FB. Turns out the buyer had been taken into hospital unexpectedly and couldn't complete the deal whist there. When he came out he emailed my brother and, by all accounts, was not a happy bunny about my brother's course of action. So remember there sometimes are genuine reasons why you, apparently, may have a NPB.
  6. I too sell on ebay and have done for quite some time - vinyl records and CD's are my thing. Although I have had one or two non paying buyers there were genuine reasons for it (according to them anyway) and it's not too much hassle to claim listing fees back or put in a NPB strike if you have to although personally I try to avoid that and put it down to people being people. However, in the vinyl world it seems there are a heck of a lot of NPB's bidding on reggae and ska records in particular, much more so than any other type of music. I don't know why - anyone also had experience of this ? Remember though that once upon a time we all had zero feedback, you have to start somewhere. So I give them the chance to start a FB profile.
  7. We should NOT sign anyone called HARLEE - it sounds like a complete girl's name. Seriously.
  8. DO NOT EVER, EVER put anything about your work/job/career on Farcebook. NOT EVER, NEVER. In fact, as a teacher, she should have known better. It's something strictly for kids and those unable to communicate normally. No offence, you understand.... 8-)
  9. NO. End of.
  10. All the above is good advice on the present job. But what about the new job ? My tuppence worth on this would be that if you have a Farcebook profile, edit it IMMEDIATELY removing all those pictures of you with your arsse protruding, you being sick on the pavement, you snogging some old dog (either literally or metaphorically), you waggling your donger at the old bill, you waving a giant spliff etc etc etc etc. BECAUSE a lot of employers are now checking out such interweb sites and screening potential employees for their personal behaviour out of work. And if they show any tendency to do any, or all, of the above there will be no job offer. Of course, if you are of a certain age then none of this will apply to you and I apologise for having taken you in vain. But if it does, ACT NOW.....!!! Good luck with the new job, whatever/wherever it is.
  11. As far as I'm aware Shaun Derry has signed, or will sign, for Ipswich. So include him out.
  12. Yep, think you're right upon reflection - I never was any good at geography or celebrity watching though. However, the Romeo bit does still work (hav'n't they got one of those as well ?) - that well known capital of Italy...
  13. I always felt sorry for that Romeo Beckham - apparently being named after the place where he was conceived. Good job they didn't sh@g each other in a certain part of south east London or he'd have been called Peckham Beckham.....
  14. A friend of mine once went to one with a dildo sellotaped to his forehead and went as a dickhead but, in all honesty, he didn't really need the aforementioned accoutrement. I, on the other hand, have NEVER had so much dirty fun with the women as when I went to one as Austin Powers. It may not be hugely original but you can absolutely get away with ANYTHING...!! I really would recommend it.
  15. I had to name my daughter Eleanor just because my wife wouldn't let me have her christened "Jethro Tull". I couldn't see what was wrong with it but that's women for you.
  16. Yeah - what about it then..??
  17. Very quiet and looking a bit embarrased when the sport bit comes on TV on the Fred Drainage front. That is all really.
  18. I think the big failing was the use of the word "incursion" on the screens yesterday - nobody under the age of 20 would know what it meant. Better to keep to words of one syllable.
  19. Here's another wild guess based on a sports news report on BBC Radio Sussex this morning, and I quote - "Brighton's Spanish full back Calderon (I think) has had his contract offer withdrawn by the club because he wants to talk to Southampton" I expect, however, there may be many players who want to talk to us but Radio Sussex sport guys are pretty close to Brighton & HA and are usually ITK.
  20. Errrrr... I think you'll find Notts Co are currently in League 2 (TWO) and not L1 or have you confused yourself....??:confused:
  21. Must admit I don't quite get it with AFCB fans. One of my line management is a fan of theirs and the poor sod can't stop talking about the "derby" games next season and about winning at SMS. I had to tell him I, and many thousand other Saints, couldn't give a sh1t about them and how utterly irrelevant they are which rather deflated him but then he's a complete effing tosser anyway.... Despite that I will admit that Eddie Howe has performed a minor miracle given their circumstances over the last 2 seasons.
  22. So I take it that's a "no" then ?
  23. So, Phil, bearing in mind many were suspicious that this was a money laundering operation from the start of the Gaydemak's involvement are you now conceding they may have a case for claiming back the 9 point deduction as the club has been victims of criminal activity ? Curious to know.
  24. Bet nobody can beat this one of mine - back in August I put £10 on the bottom 3 being Portsmouth, Hull and Burnley. At the risk of b@llsing it up by saying this, it should be a good drink. So far, so good though......
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