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Jimmy Gabriel's Halo

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gabriel's Halo

  1. Sounds like a case of Tourettes. I hear he had to move out of Portsmouth because of it......
  2. On the train home afterwards an American guy sits down next to me and says "What team do you support ?" - this despite the word "Southampton" being plastered everywhere on shirts, hat etc. This was followed by "Oh, Friends Provident...good company that". I had to explain everything. Still, he was good company despite it all.
  3. Cheers Marc, you can just make me out on the very far side of the stadium Row 22, seat 196. And in The Globe too where I'm sitting down outside - at the back. Not :rolleyes:
  4. Just got back to Sussex coast - what a day, fantastic to see Saints win at Wembley and in style too. Top marks to the several Carlisle fans I met and spoke to as well, top blokes and generous in defeat. Too many old bill outside though and why the need for all those bl**dy horses ? - talk about OTT and unnecessary, everyone was very well behaved.
  5. STOP PRESS: POMPEY FANS BANNED FROM WEMBLEY. Have just checked the list of prohibited items from Wembley Stadium and it quite clearly lists the following as being not allowed:- "Scooters, skateboards or other skates" So, none there to cheer on their defeat by Spuds then. :D
  6. Totally agree with this. I have already resigned myself to the fact that it's beyond us now because of the blistering pace those top 6/7 sides have set so far. Because of this I am now really enjoying our games, especially yesterday's 1 - 0 against Leeds. If I was still expecting play offs I would have been a nervous wreck being only one up. So let's enjoy the rest of the season, the football has been brilliant to watch recently and let's hope the team continues in it's present way so building up momentum for next season when automatic promotion will be expected. Of more concern is how many of these players will we be able to hang on to in the close season.
  7. Anyone going by train from the Sussex coast/mid Sussex area and into Victoria and up for a sherbet before or after in/around Victoria/West End ?
  8. Reading this brought back memories of my dear old grandmother, now long since gone. I can still picture her, 47 years ago when I was about 9, saying to me "Now then Jimmy Gabriel's Halo don't spend a guinea if you've only got a pound" and I've never forgotten that. Bloody good maxim to live by. Obviously Story Teller's granny didn't tell him the same thing when he was 9. For anyone under 30 reading this and wondering what a guinea was - ask your granny.
  9. I've corrected that for you St M
  10. I think Storrie's line was blown wide open this morning on 5Live sports reports where he was quoted as saying he was "hopeful" of the deal being done later today. For Chr*st's sake, what is this bloke on ? You're "hopeful" when the postman calls and there might be a few cards on your birthday. You're "hopeful" that the wife won't have a headache tonight and you might get your leg over. You're "hopeful" that the overhyped film you're going to see is actually any good. You're "hopeful" that you might win a tenner on the lottery on Saturday. You're "hopeful" that your train to work won't be delayed - again. And so on and so on. HOPEFUL ? BL**DY HOPEFUL !!!!???? This is a multi million pound deal we're talking about here with far reaching consequences if it doesn't come off. And Storrie is "hopeful". What is he like ? :confused::confused:
  11. Well I've just got mine by phone. Had to wait a few minutes in the phone queue but got there eventually. And, oh boy, am I DELIGHTED. £44 seat near the half way line. In '76 and '79 I was an impoverished student living in Sheffield so I missed those finals. After the FA Cup win I couldn't even afford a pint to celebrate the victory. No student loans in those days and only a limited grant (for me anyway). The ZDS final somehow passed me by - too busy forging a career in London. The 2003 Cardiff final I couldn't get a ticket as I was not a ST holder. So I REALLY don't give sh*t where I am sitting because I'M BL**DY WELL GOING TO WEMBLEY TO SEE THE SAINTS WIN (hopefully !!). CHESHIRE CATS HAVE NOTHING ON ME RIGHT NOW......;-) x 10,000..!!
  12. No, it was Terry the guy who refurbished their dressing rooms and lounge etc pre-season............and still hasn't been paid even tho' he did at almost cost price. Pretty certain TCWTB wasn't there or we would have heard his effing bell....!!
  13. As I understand it, this date wasn't set by the beak. It was the FIRST available date in a crowded court schedule. So it's just a fortunate (or unfortunate) coincidence really.
  14. Anthropology eh ? Should get you a top job in McDonalds in 3 years time. No offence, mind :-)
  15. ...then don't get out of it in the first place Try varying the time you go to bed. Watch a late night film. A late night may make you a bit more tired the next night meaning you may sleep better. On the other hand, don't worry about it as everyone needs different amounts of sleep, there is no set formula. When Mrs T was PM I believe she got by on less than 6 hours a night. Do not have sex (either with yourself or anybody else) as I am told this raises the adrenalin levels and you will definately not be able to sleep afterwards. Mrs JGH says this keeps her awake. She only tells me this as I work nights. Other tips: do not eat too late in the evening, especially a curry as this will only make you farrt a lot and will keep you, and everyone else in the house, awake. Do not drink too much alcohol, unless you have drunk yourself into oblivion, this will also keep you awake. Paradoxically though I sometimes find a smallish whisky mac and ginger does the trick. Do not get too hot or too cold at night. Use the right tog rating duvet for the time of year or change it if you're too hot or too cold. A mug of warm-hot milk before bedtime will help you sleep. Don't ask me why but it does. HTH and good luck.
  16. Anyone else going up from Sussex coast - Worthing area to be precise ? There's nothing worse than going to a game like this on the train on yer tod. There are railworks all day in the Battersea area so anyone doing the same journey as me may well get caught up. Buses are apparently running between some stations in that area but whether these are the local lines and/or the fast coast train lines I do not know.
  17. You did what..?.....:confused:
  18. No offence intended BTF, I just couldn't help myself:D
  19. I too have a prominent member and am to be seen frequently putting my hand in my pocket also. I only say this to lower the tone to a suitable level ;)
  20. Can someone get down there and make sure they don't get a good night's sleep ? Not that I would advocate that sort of thing, you understand..
  21. Yes, I like that too. Should have thought of it first...
  22. Some more suggestions for tomorrow's play list: (some already suggested) "Taxman" The Beatles "Busted" Ray Charles "Here Comes The Judge" Pigmeat Markham "Money For Nothing" Dire Straits "Sunny Afternoon" The Kinks "Money, Money, Money" Abba "I, Who Have Nothing" Shirley Bassey "Spanish Caravan" The Doors "Caravan Of Love" The Isley Bros. "Gone Fishing" Chris Rea "Skating Away (On The This Ice Of A New Day)" Jethro Tull "Do The Skate" Skatemaster Tate "Down And Out" Genesis "On A Story Teller's Night" Marillion "Fools's Gold" Stone Roses "Down The Dustpipe" Staus Quo "Panic" The Smiths "All Or Nothing" Small Faces and, finally "The Last Time" The Rolling Stones. Anymore anyone...?
  23. Just to get you up to speed DB it is now confirmed that Notts County have been sold to a local businessman in the POUND Shop. And no I am not joking.
  24. Paul Miller (ex Spuds player) was on 5 Live earlier this evening. He is now involved, to what degree I don't know, in football finance. To cut a long story short he said he'd heard nothing on the grapevine about any "investors" interested in P*rtsmouth and thought that, having regards to the debt situation, anyone putting themselves forward as such would be the usual self publicists seeking their 15 minutes or completely mad. He did not, however, make any reference to the Statement of Affairs requested by the recorder and I did actually wonder if he had a full grasp of the situation. But then, in fairness, who has ?
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