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Everything posted by Crispypie

  1. It seems to me (and i am only going by what has been quoted or written on this board!), that RL seemed to set up the team managment on a divide and conquor basis. (redknap and woodward, JP and wotte). So i would suspect if MLT and Benali where given the go ahead they would have been undermind by RL and probaly not stand a chance. I think they had a lucky escape!!!
  2. Actualy they are track suit trousers,he is really 18' tall!
  3. Hey alan, ask nicely and you can borrow this one at half time to let your lads have look at it
  4. It sounds to me like some who used to be itk, are now out of the loop and are miffed that there others that have a different perspective and can skim some good, if not complete, info. Keep it up tt, just dont get dragged into flame war and risk your position!
  5. "Gotle of geer"
  6. where can i buy some shares so i can be voted on to the board and stir some s**t so we can get some new threads going?
  7. maybe ap is sending a message to him!!
  8. any feedback on the player from today?
  9. Is it time to burn the whaite flag now?
  10. Pardew(OS):- Lallana - No financial pressure to sell, keeping him Rasiak - May not be able to keep him if the right offer comes in I think that tells us what AP thinks!
  11. SO, what kind of football can we expect?
  12. I think I just wet myself!!
  13. I dont think this will clear anything up but I havent seen a link to this page yet, WARNING: Scary picutr on the page no real explanation!! You have been warned! http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/4475211.Bradford_man_in___12m_club_bid/
  14. did anybody REALLY think AS would stay to play league1 football?
  15. why? I dont get this "saving face" arguement. pinnicle are a business, if a deal goes pear shaped a business pulls the plug and moves on. you dont keep going back spending time ( and hence money) if you think the deal is dead and buried!!!
  16. I cant help thinking that if i was trying to buy something for somebody else for 10+ million i would be quite happy to drag it out a couple of weeks if i thought it might save a couple of mill even if it meant taking it to the wire. i am as desperate as anyone to see this sorted but whomever signs will have business before emotion. i would love to see MLT as chair, but at the end off the day its going to go to the wire, hopefully the best option for all will win out. i just wish i could find the new line button on my portable media thingy!!!
  17. I dont understand why people think pinnacle need an excuse to pull out, do you seriously think they would waste more time (which is money to these guys) if they didnt think they could do the deal?
  18. Crouch is part of the consortium according to BBC Solent
  19. Crouch is part of the pinnacle consortium!!!
  20. Sheeshe, you guys are harsh! Give the fella a chance
  21. If the Arab buys poopy, will that make them a feeder club to Man City?
  22. Too much tension, so.........
  23. II think we should also keep in mind that this is not about a couple of hundred pounds! If i was asked to spend several million on behalf of a third party i would want to make sure the deal is watertight before signing!!
  24. I think I may have missed something, but I thought all the "official" talk about FL problems have been about next seasons registration, when have the deducted points been mentioned?
  25. "Nope, there's no spare points up here!"
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