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Everything posted by Crispypie

  1. Anyway..... I'm all for putting more boards around the pitch, move them closer as well. There's nothing like a good laugh at a player that goes arse over heals over one.
  2. Wasnt there some rumour about a ticketless entry system coming in this year? Barcode or swipe card type thing?
  3. I'll give you that, I was rubbish at playing football, (even my nippers under 12's Tyro team would leave me till last to be picked for the mini match at the end of training). I think my real problem with him was the disappointment that he promised so much but just didn't quite deliver. An arguement could be that he wasn't given that chance, but I'd like to think those that are making that kind of decision at SMS seem to know what they are doing. I do appreciate what he did when he was on fire, hence my high expectations. But, hey, its football. I have to be professional in my job, I have to be supportive of my kids, I have to be reasoned in social situations. But where football is concerned I can be irrational, entranched and as biased as I want. Thanks for the compliment by the way.
  4. Now look what you made me do, that just cost me a fiver Yep, fully aware of comentators bias to choose who they want to talk about during the game, especialy against Manure, but they do highlight those that are having an impact on the game, hence I now know that Adam, Vaughan, Crainey play for Blackpool, hell even Ormerod was more involved than Punch, at one point I thought Punch went off for him.
  5. Was that his second or third mention from the comentary team? I mean if he did the flick that set up the cross the made the knock down that bounced the ball that cofused the defender that allowed the shot then he must be worth several tens of thousands of pounds when we move him onto his 57'th team where he will make a huge impression until he goes awol when it matters. Now that he has premeirship experience of being relegated, we are quids in.
  6. Yeah, it is a bit galling to admit some of them know what they are talking about.
  7. oh dear, what a shame, never mind. Maybe he'll think a bit before being so derogatory (doubt it tho). I believe Punch was on the pitch somewhere. Think his name was mentioned two or three times.
  8. No, next question.
  9. sign up to livingwithtolle.com. The welcome email links to a mp3 of a deep body relaxation method i use to get to sleep. I still wake up early but a feel i have slept ok. if wake up really early i use it again with pretty good success.
  10. "get me my baseball bat now while he's not looking"
  11. all the talk about glory hunters really winds me up. Anybody that shells out the money to buy a ticket has the right to watch the game. If you cant get organised, then you miss out. Its not that complex.
  12. i would be surprised if they have one at monaco. I'm sure i heard someone say its not going to be used on every one.
  13. I dont know. I dare not look!
  14. a top particle physicist was stopped for speeding. The copper asked if he knew how fast he was going. He replied "no, but i know exactly where i was" Taxi......
  15. Crispypie


    congrats badger, i got another 2 weeks to wait. I know the consultation period is to help make things fair but i'd much rather get on with my life however it turns out!
  16. my son had a ticket from a private parking co, we wrote and told them it was no longer his car and they completely ignored us. Kept on sending demands, they even passed it on to a debt collector. I phoned them once and told them the parking co were wrong and never heard any more about it. Even the debt co knows it a waste of time chasing it.
  17. i thought they were for blowing leaves into next doors garden!
  18. i kind of understand the thinking behind it, its related to the length of service still to run. I think if you want out early you have buy out. So if they want you out then they should pay as well. If it was me i would probably take it. Depends how transferable your skills are i suppose.
  19. uh-haaa
  20. bloody hell, i been at my company 12 years and if im picked i'll get about 6k. Be lucky if it lasts 4 months
  21. if you really want to know how "great" the solent commentery is take a radio to a game. You will be amazed how many times they call it wrong but never correct themselves because they assume nobody will notice.
  22. wear a suit and tie even if its not expected as part of the job. Learn as much as you can about the new role. Be honest and dont gabble on. Never talk about personal problems that may get in the way. Look at it as a learning opportunity if you dont get this one you will be better prepared next time. Good luck
  23. Wellingborough (dont ask)
  24. Linesman was poor, seemed to wait for the Owls crowd to react before giving anything. He may as well have left his flag in the dressing room. Ref orders?
  25. Agree good atmosphere today, just wish the group behind me would stop joining in with the away supporters, changing the words slightly. It just sounds like they are supporting the wrong team! Muppets
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