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Everything posted by Crispypie

  1. isnt there some clause about having to pay monies back if the panels are not producing or is that a bit of scare mongering?
  2. Crispypie

    Fun facts!

    KK buys his diy essentials from BnQ in portswood.
  3. great advice from saintbletch, definatly 2 pages only. When applying for my current IT job i was getting nowhere until i trimmed my cv down to 2 and removed the padding then had 3 interviews in quick succession.
  4. i just read the article right thro, and the comments. Theres 10 minutes i will never get back. Barely any of the comments support the article, which is good to see and NI seems to miss-quote those comments to further push his argument. If he really thinks there are fans that are going to change there mind about going to games because some bickering on a forum about when the kit details are being released surely he is not seeing straight? Also i cant see NC reading it and thinking "wow thanks for that, i see where i am going wrong now."
  5. The new stadium will have a pit lane and half a dozen flat screens hanging from a gantry, Thanks for the update, i also am a bit wary of NC but to be fair to him he is delivering. Cant wait for the new season.
  6. Jees, i hope the ban doesn't spread!
  7. Tickets prices are a worry, but I guess when it comes to match day this season I will want to see a win every time. I do wonder sometimes how much some of the players want promotion. I guess they are on promotion bonuses, but how many of them know they will be out the door when it comes to it?
  8. Oh the irony
  9. You butted in first.
  10. Oh, I wondered what the "Kick racism out of football" campaign was about, (not rocket science is it) So, as I said before, either man up or shut up, or perhaps more appropriatly start another thread on the subject. If you are accusing someone of being racist then accuse them. Your lame attempt to hide your accusation in a generalisation just adds to your rep of being a WUM. Now you admit to saying a similar thing in another thread so what are you trying to achieve here? (other than provacation). To stir the sh1t, just like many other threads. Are we going to see accusations of racism on every thread that refers to a players/managers attitude. I guess that makes me racist concerning Ian Hollerway, (yes I did spell that incorrectly on purpose).
  11. So there are racial undertones but nobody is being racist? Either man up or shut up.
  12. billy, thats the funniest thing i have read for ages, "wont see him back here as long as he has a hole in his ass" magic. Why dont you run it thro the pornalizer web site and see what comes out?
  13. With respect, if i see a dog sh1t on my lawn i dont sit back and think "i wont shout at it because it might sh1t on my lawn". I have never boo'd any saints player but i have shouted at a lot of dogs.
  14. Crispypie

    Racing Tip

  15. i'll have you know i've been sat in that block all season. In fact i've got my season ticket book right here and it says............block 4. Oh yeah, sorry, i meant block 4 :/
  16. Crispypie

    Racing Tip

    Me want tips!!!!!
  17. sickness
  18. If you really want to rub it in its got to be "championship your having a larf"
  19. i eased right up on it 20 years ago after a session with my brother and a couple of bottles of vodka. Spent the next 2 days being very ill, and was completly embarrassed by my little ones keep asking what was wrong with me. Now its a couple of tins a week and half a bottle of wine at the weekend, (oh and maybe a pint of ringwood best now and then).
  20. If it was then they definatly got to give up the booze.
  21. I'm not too good at that sort off thing, just wondered if any anybody else in that area id'ed them. They both looked around mid to late 50's, one had fair wavy hair quite tall and the other was shorter, black hair with some grey and had a southern european complexion. (now i'm sounding like a gay stalker!)
  22. This season i've been mostly sat in block 2. For quite a few games a couple of suits with sms passes have sat in spare seats to watch the game. Has anybody any idea who they are?
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