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  1. Anybody watching on virgin 510? Appears to be free to air Sent from my F5121 using Tapatalk
  2. Has anybody else found sky sports mix HD free to air on virgin 510? Sent from my F5121 using Tapatalk
  3. Will they start calling us chelsampton Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk
  4. http://www.espnfc.co.uk/club/queens-park-rangers/334/blog/post/2280453/harry-redknapps-dysfunctional-final-season-at-qpr-should-have-never-happened? Sorry if its been posted before but this is quite interesting
  5. Always good to see him on the team sheet, just wish he was banned from shooting
  6. Finished above manure tho :-)
  7. RK's fault that one, rule one never make a sub when defending
  8. It's a fair cop, ad the squits for a couple of days and getting pretty damn bored with it, hope I can find a stream for the game tonight to cheer myself up.
  9. Look at that, 50 responses about a throw away joke on Twitter, have you guys got nothing better to whinge about?
  10. .....,.some drivel about Mat being childish and not let stuff go even tho he was flat excluded from all things saints for years. ....
  11. Good? Bad? Indifferent? What do you think?
  12. Well, I tried:(
  13. Anyway, back on topic, who said spiderman?
  14. Intel if you can afford it, amd if you cant, simples.
  15. Agree we have some times been getting behind Hull, but it just doesnt feel like games in the first half of the season when Shaw and Clyne were constantly running down the lines, Clyne on Saturday rarely ran forward. I just wondered if others felt the same, I know we need to mix it up, it just seems a little unbalanced towards try9ing to knock it over the top too early. Maybe its just me.
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