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cider saint

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  1. spot on
  2. just got 5 tickets P4,putney road.easy peasy
  3. So gutted,trying to understand the logic behind it ?
  4. Daily Telegraph is doing a poll on who Roy Hodgson should take to the EUROS. Follow the link below and vote for them as they are struggling at the moment but if we all vote for them who knows what might happen?? aha probally nothing but lets show some support for our players. Cheers. http://www.telegraph .co.uk/sport/footbal l/teams/england/9254 799/Who-should-Engla nd-manager-Roy-Hodgs on-select-for-Euro-2 012-squad.html
  5. Been working in bristol today and spoke to some city season ticket holder friends of mine,and they were not happy he was leaving.
  6. wet side corner flag next to a young couple kissing & cuddling all first half .
  7. you smell like carrot juice
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