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Everything posted by haddock22

  1. just called inferno.. they're not going to have the radio on loud speakers but rugby will be on :/
  2. ya going with no ticket just hope the pubs mentioned have the radio/game on speakers as suggested
  3. also after one if any going !!
  4. if anyone by a miracle has a spare would love 1 pm or email me jamieuk_1999@hotmail.com
  5. what radio station are people listening to this please ?
  6. haddock22

    The ref

    he was awful today and the linesman on kingsland side
  7. this is such bad news he makes big difference guted feel less confident about utd game n might get thrashing now instead of a possible win
  8. both hammond and spiderman are classic sideways and back pass players which is whu saints are so limited in scoring goals.no initiative no insight no good.Puncheon at least tries to be inventive
  9. would love not to see it but can see it happening
  10. phoned through on day 1 but still not received my 4 tickets although money been taken out of my account
  11. How some people think rasiak had any sort of good game is beyond me.I admit he had little service but he cant create anything,balls just bounce of him which he is to slow to react toand he ambles around probably thiking I should be in a better team than this and I could have been saying any of this four years ago.
  12. having not watched both rasiak and saga for a season I noticed today that neither has improved and both looked like they didnt want to be there.Surely someone out there can be conned to take them off our hands.They both reminded me of the bad old days so lets part ways asap and bring in players who want to play for the club
  13. One of the 2 reasons i didnt renew last year.Now hes gone i will be back.One of the worst players to pull on a saints shirt over 40 years of watching saints .no talent,no thinking, no good
  14. BWP i imagine will not be missed by the vast majority of saints fans.He summed up all that was wrong in the saints team brainless and spineless with little if no talenr and vastly overated..I was always amazed that managers gave him a space in a team.With him gone I may decide to renew my season ticket.Bet he scores a hat trick in his first match for them though
  15. terry was one of my heroes when i started watching saints from 1966.Terry was one of the best wingers ever seen in saints colours and unlike most wingers could look after himself which is another way of saying he would leave his boot in when required and would often tread on the opposition player when he went round them !!
  16. How many divisions do we have to drop before people think bwp is the man?
  17. Does anyone really believe that bwp actually has a footballing brain.oops i take that back any brain.His selection in matches has meant i stopped going after 40 years .Both of them very poor players and i cant see who would be stupid enough to take them of us
  18. bwp can disappear as hes never performed and ill be amazed at any club that takes him on
  19. One of the reasons i having been going this season after 40 years was that bwp was being played.One of if not the worse player saints have ever had and why hes played is beyond belief.To compound all this was learning he was on 7000 a week
  20. maybe cos hes rubbish 9 times out of 10
  21. just tried to get ticket but phone line will not take tickets after 12.00 and havent got a members number to get over internet
  22. Didnt renew this season after 41 years and havent regretted at all im sorry to say and am using money saved to go to concerts that i come away from having enjoyed and being entertained.So yes there is life after football after all. What did me in was the return of lowe and saints continuing to play bwp
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