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Everything posted by whizzpop

  1. whizzpop

    Dave Jones

    Great manager for Saints, laid the foundations of what was achieved under Hoddle and Strachan.
  2. For me a younger keeper is the solution a la Joe Lewis or Alex Smithies.
  3. I would like to know what the stand out moments are from other fans during our seven year league tour... For me, 05-06 The Sir Clive and Clifford disaster, Rise of Walcott, Redknapp leaves, George Burley arrives and signs a good crop of players to herald a new era (Rasiak, Chaplow, Ostlund, and Jermaine Wright) 06-07 Lowe is ousted out by the magnificent 7, £7m spent on players, Kelvin's dodgy start, Skacel signs!, Jesus is our right back, Rise of Kenwyne, Bale's free kicks. Saganowski leads us to the play offs, Wolves away 0-6, and play off disappoint v Derby. 07-08 Paul Allen (did he or didn't he bid), Start of another new era as Safri, Andrew Davies, Euell and Stern John come in. Kenwyne strikes and Bale moves on, The cult of Stern John, Burley leaves for Scotland, Dodd and Gorman - and that game at Bristol Rovers, Nigel Pearson arrives bringing in Richard Wright, Perry, Lucketti to keep us alive. Handbag skate gate (Wrightphillips/Dyer), that Ted Bates statue, Staying up at home v Sheff Utd, Le Tiss reaction on Sky Sports News. 08-09 Lowe returns, Enter the Dutch "masterclass" (bring in Holmes, Forecast, Pulis and Wotton), Michael Svensson returns, The youth are played, demonstrations in Southampton City Centre, Administration and relegation 09-10 Surman and McGoldrick sold to pay wages, Liebherr, Cortese and Pardew revolution, Pardew lays the foundation with Lambert, Hammond, Harding, Jaidi and Connolly signing, Waigo's dancing and JPT Final, Marcus takes his camera. 10-11 Liebherr dies, Pardew sacked, Adkins in, Chaplow returns, Puncheon rebels, promotion to Championship 11-12 Unbelievable season where Saints lead for most of the season, and ultimately gain promotion In the words of Fatboy Slim we've come a long way baby.
  4. No, roughly 95% of their fans wallowed in our despair and I am now wallowing at their misery..just hope it takes them even longer than it took us.
  5. Talk Sport/Radio has not been the same station since James Whale left. It's also just a small part of the overall media picture where we are not getting the credit we deserve. Although bias may creep in what we've achieved is greater i.e. near bottom of league 1 20 months ago to become nearly top all season in the Championship. Perhaps it is to do with our external relationship with the media but the Reading and West Ham love-in is just sickening. Hopefully this weekend I'll be proved wrong.
  6. Bruno Leal #portuguese legend
  7. oh if only we kept hold of Quashie and Jermaine Wright
  8. Just had a nose at the mag in my local Tesco Express, Bradley Wright Phillips is rated higher than Kevin Phillips, and Jay Rodriguez. In my opinion this is the poorest rated top 50 players poll they have carried out in recent years.
  9. Ah Cosimo Sarli..still dreaming of what could have been, never got why Dave Jones didn't put him in the first team he scored about 30 goals in the reserves if i remember rightly.
  10. "Simple as that" this phrase sounds familiar to me....this yank perhaps was an early role model for our Nige?
  11. Yeah forgot he was on loan originally, and the most recent loans we've bought lately have been Guly and the Hoover.
  12. We didn't really bring many players in on loan until the relegation year from the premier league. Of the top of my head I can only think of one other and that is Andrew Davies from Middlesbrough..and now look at him.
  13. I was a bit disappointed Rasiak was dropped for Rickie, but i'm over it now.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/southampton/2713371.stm
  15. http://http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/southampton/2713371.stm# Potentially a great signing in my opinion, reckon we should get Higginbotham as well.
  16. Stern John its a dead cert, between us and Birmingham apparently!
  17. I thought Claridge was more pro Saints than Shearer. Shearer just sounded like a brain-washed premier league pundit, who doesn't appreciate where his football roots were/are
  18. Get behind the team doesn't matter who we draw!!! Whether Coventry Barnsley Wigan or man city. Can't believe some of the apathetic responses!
  19. Neanderthal man by hotlegs? Surely if its acceptable in Uruguay he wont mind:lol:
  20. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=bradley+wright+phillips+southampton&hl=en&safe=off&gbv=2&biw=1366&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=47PC57GJQz3S4M:&imgrefurl=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2145283/Footballers-Bradley-Wright-Phillips-and-Nathan-Dyer-charged-with-burglary.html&docid=ziZNlsXl0quV_M&imgurl=http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00679/wright-404_679750c.jpg&w=404&h=250&ei=Qo-5Tq1riJjxA8Co_LgH&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1033&vpy=147&dur=220&hovh=176&hovw=286&tx=252&ty=100&sig=109397154192388990202&page=1&tbnh=98&tbnw=158&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0 http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=peter+crouch+southampton+celebration&hl=en&safe=off&gbv=2&biw=1366&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=EaYQVWcDhk7hvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.canvasstorehouse.com/southampton_v_middlesbrough_home_score_2-2_peter_crouch_canvas_prints_(uk)/print/67961.html&docid=sDXjTsWocjfl5M&imgurl=http://www.canvasstorehouse.com/image/southampton_v_middlesbrough_home_score_2-2_peter_crouch_67961.jpg%253Fpvw%253D751%2526opt%253D55&w=450&h=300&ei=9o-5To64Lcu08QPCrfifBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=165&vpy=283&dur=280&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=156&ty=152&sig=109397154192388990202&page=1&tbnh=123&tbnw=169&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0
  21. Still think he did a good job for us, and is doing great things at Newcastle despite how he came to the job and now they almost look like a settled team
  22. Yes one of the worst players ever in red and white.
  23. whizzpop

    Frazer R

    I remember seeing him play for Leeds a couple of years back, always thought he was a good player. I guess the injury he had pre-season last year really knocked his confidence.
  24. He had his chance with us, turned down a contract with us after the 2007 playoffs and went to Pompey...failed there too.
  25. Just listening to Richard Cartridge on Solent, apparently we are doing well at the moment and no.2 in the champions league...has he got a time machine or is he just not a football fan.
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