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Everything posted by millbrooktonian

  1. Fair play .I met my wife at work nine years ago,she had just started at my office ,it was the wayne bridge mug she had that first caught my eye,knew it was love when I visited her flat and discovered she had a cd of 76 cup final .She is well into footie . years ago took my daughter to her first game ,she thought super saint was one of our players ,a good call as probably better that than some of the s***e we had playing for us at the time
  2. I have a feeling,however much we seem to be interested in Hooper ,this is a smokescreen for someone to come in under the radar.Dead excited about Leicester game, just ordered a japanese flag,will take it to the game to welcome Tadanari Lee .Happy days,COYR
  3. We could fill a 44k stadium if ticket prices were reduced
  4. The kazoo from the great escape game against wimbledon was pretty good
  5. 77/78 luton away was my first away game and orient the second .\the wall collapsed also remeber freed dineage getting stick when commentating in the gantry above saints fans .H appy days side ;
  6. Hope your lad ok .I had a similar experience in Nottingahm when I was about 14/15( in the70's ) smacked in the face by Forest fan after the game .Coppers on other side of the road did not do anything. After 76 cup final a huge Man u fan wacked me in the jaw I was only a weedy 16 year old ,him and his mates chased me ,for what seeme like miles . But what a day . Hope your lad continues to go to away games .There are always idiots,but overall the banter and atmosphere of the game outweighs the bad times
  7. Absolutely agree . So their confidence is shot .I have never seen any player respond positively to being booed by his own supporters. Puncheon needs to boosted even if his performances have been shocking.Booing him will not help . He and Lambert look as though they are carrying more weight this seaon ? The thing that I find most annoying is this idea that we have devine right to be in a higher division . I want us to be a good footballing team whatever league we are in. Lets all get behing Nigel and the boys today . Positivity not arrogance (we do not want to be seen as a Leeds) COYR
  8. A classic reply . I have nothing to hide but find such behaviour uneccessary as the police can see every seat in the ground. At the pompey game last year I was asked at half time to give the steward my PFC RIP flag as control said it was offensive ,fair play|I gave it to them ..However on saturday the overt filming of fans who were juust watching the game is in my view could have caused a breach of the peace as people were quite rightly offended. What was the difference between that police camera and my flag ?Both caused some offence to people .
  9. What a top man .buying the club saved us from extinction, I will be forever grateful. R I P
  10. Cracking stuff ,fond memories using the ferry when I was an apprentice at Thorneys, it would be great to get this going around the ground .Nice one
  11. Did the PC and other PC's on duty that day, deliberately obscure the numbers on their uniforms, surely this is a disciplinary offence ? It is a sad day for justice when the CPS prevent a jury deciding if Ian Tomilnson was killed unlawfully.
  12. It is strange that the press do not report that the majority of public sector workers are women in low paid jobs .There are some civil servants and managemen tin local government who continue to do very nicely,the majority of us get screwed by whatever mob are in government .No one seems to mention that the employers did not worry about the pensions black hole when they took payment holidays for a number of years
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