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Everything posted by SnailOB

  1. But then doesn't that make a mockery of the league table. If all the top teams are losing to the bottom teams why aren't the bottom teams at the top and the top teams at the bottom (that sounds awful but I hope you get the idea) I don't care about the other clubs so excuse the bubble - I do see it as a problem and if we are to have another go at this division next year we have to do better. Even AP himself has stated the same with regards to our performances on 'lesser' pitches at the so-called 'lesser' teams. I'll just have to accept that i'm bonkers to see otherwise - enjoy your drink !
  2. We ALL know the problem - its been talked about for a while now. The big test is how he fixes it. Now he has highlighted it himself publicaly I would think NC will be watching these sorts of fixtures very closely - this basis today cannot be a good day for AP
  3. I don't want him changed. I would much rather see something being done about this weakness we seem to have when it comes to these sorts of fixtures. Like I have said, this season we have seen some fantastic football played so we obviously have the calibre to do well / produce great results. Its not just todays result that is the problem - its a culmination of results like todays that is the problem and I would like nothing more than AP to get this right. I do fear that if he doesn't show by the end of the season that he can address this 'problem' then he may not get the 15 games or whatever next season. I don't know NC I don't know his mind but enough people have posted that he is impatient. I hope he is patient - because like you i believe that the manager merry-go-round solves very little most of the time.
  4. I like him but surely you must see that there is a worrying trend to these sorts of fixtures. Why ? AP hasn't become a bad manager overnight / the players haven't become bad players overnight but WHY are we failing at the same sorts of fixtures this year ? I don't expect to win every week. I didn't expect the result against Norwich and I expected a much closer game against Huddersfield AND Walsall. Unfortunately part of me expected this result today. You can like AP and still question certain aspects of this sides performances. BLAMING Pardew for everything is harsh but he is the man in charge and was the man in charge for same performaces at similar grounds
  5. Realistically I think we should be beating teams like Wycombe / Tranmere / Exeter / Brentford etc.. away from home, at the least not labouring like we seem to do. I like AP, I have loved some of the performances this year but realistically there seems to be a problem when we go away against 'lower' sides. I 'really' believe that if we don't start addressing this as a team then next season will not be the walk in the park that some fans 'realistically' think it will be.
  6. I'd just be happy for consistency of the right kind at the moment. The recent performances at home and against Norwich were outstanding but it is a concern when majority of saints fans then look at fixtures like Wycombe / Brentford / Exeter / Tranmere as potential 'banana-skins' and then get proven right. Our performances against the 'lower' sides is a concern and has to be addressed - the fact that we struggle at these places is the only consistent thing about this side at the moment. AP has shown that he can produce a team that can give us great performances - I just want to see at places other than St Marys.
  7. So GM are you saying ban the ex-pats ? I'm not one, but still find the post pretty poor and definitely not needed. What exactly is the point of this thread other than to be insulting to all non-UK residents?
  8. why would anyone listening to this game care about poopey !
  9. Fair enough. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I read one way you the other - lets hope the players follow my line and not yours
  10. Probably the negativity comes from the fact that you read an article where the manger said he believed team were good enough to make play offs and was still aiming to do so - but you chose to focus on the bit where he said - if they didn't etc..... and came up with a thread entitled 'Another manager with questionable ambition ?'
  11. OMFG - absolutely top drawer
  12. If you have APs mobile number would suggest you send him a quick text with that. Totally agree and hopefully AP has come to recognise this as well.
  13. maybe managerial mind games - taking pressure of players so they can continue to go out and hopefully produce level of football that they have done in last couple of games without having to worry about failure. Sort of thing that at some stage Mourinho, Wenger, Ferguson etc.. have done in the past. I don't know really, but would rather be glass half full then empty at moment - as quoted he does also talk about the possibility of success - does talking about that make it more likely to happen
  14. It is pretty poor that a national stadium that was over budgeted & delivered late, despite how great it may be, can't produce the most important thing - a good playing surface. That said we should now see the best of wembley when we go - a huge sea of red & white and a new untouched pristine playing surface. Hopefully this can only help the team.
  15. Think the article is a bit more balanced then you are trying to make out "He said: “I want to get in the play-offs and I feel this team can get promoted – there is no doubt in my mind about that. " Fair comment surely ? I'd call that ambitous wouldn't you ?
  16. Should deffo be a sticky as this is the first time i've come across this thread / link. Good read - appreciate the effort BS
  17. not often i leave work with a smile on my face - thanks Pancake
  18. Ah yes, the man that was written off after 2 games by some. Well done Barnard for just getting on with what he knows how to do best. Proven goalscorer at this level, did we expect anything less. Well done that man. Lets now hope that Seabourne gets a chance to also prove the 'naysayers' wrong (not that Fonte or Jaidi are doing anything wrong).
  19. Sorry - lost a bit of track now........... are we agreed all is well now or not ? Think what I'll do is file this one as another message about who the better fans are, who told who so, who knows better about what NC is thinking, AP is doing etc... and then refer to it when the next thread reappears. In meantime, I'll go and watch some football and actually enjoy myself for a change. Enjoy the rest of the season guys, i know I will
  20. How can you pick a MOTM after that performance. Absolutely superb. We had great balance to the side on both flanks. Puncheon/Semi & Harding/Lallana linked up well. Puncheon & Lallana also interchanged well. Deano & Morgan ran the game from the middle. Jaidi & Fonte rock solid. Rickie & Barnard never let the defense rest. Awesome team performance. Big difference showed as well by having Puncheon who can actually cross a ball AND deliver a corner. Totally gobsmacked by the performance. I have posted in the past that i was 'nervous' about AP as I didn't think he knew his best XI. I think he does now and he must relish the fact that he can pick them every week now with no distractions from various cup games until JPT final. Very very happy tonight.
  21. as a relative young un' at the time, i remember my mate and I making a few quid collecting all the coins on the floor that were being thrown at us from the scousers up above. Certainly topped up my pocket money that week
  22. I would give AP the 18months to see if he can put SFC to the top of the table next season. What NC should be aware of (and I'm sure he is) you can't buy success overnight. He only has to look at Man City at the highest level and see what the change of manager has done there or the merry go round that is QPR. Going straight out and changing a manager each time doesn't always guarantee that things will be better (You only have to look at our own history as well to see that). If we go down this road of constantly changing managers then i would fear for the future of any plans for NC/ML because I feel they would find this will not help them achieve their goals / aims for SFC and may well find them lose interest in their pet project.
  23. Have you enjoyed yourself this year SS ? No sly dig or twist on post intended, just an honest question in line with how I read the OP I for one I am actually enjoying my football again and would happily have taken all scenarios mentioned. For now - thats good enough. Next season - aspirations will be totally different but hopefully I will still be enjoying it.
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