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  1. Couldn't agree more.....just got home (Sharjah) can't believe what I've just witnessed on that stage tonight.
  2. Cant argue with this choice, I have been 7 times. Its perfect and well worth looking at.
  3. I have to work some Saturday nights which means I need to leave 5 - 10 mins early so I get to work on time. Sorry if that causes you any problems old chap but its a case of having to leave early, not wanting to!
  4. They did, Robin Van Persie I think? They showed it on a big screen in the Channon suite at SMS.
  5. Have a look at Tesco. Some good deals (42inch Samsung plasma for £499 at the Bursledon store) and they are giving away free sky HD boxes to boot.
  6. agree. Have got the cash for ST ready to invest asap.
  7. R.I.P God bless. Thoughts go out to his family and friends.
  8. Hopefully early next year all being well. There is a fella doing the job at the moment who is keeping things ticking over until I am able to take up the reigns. The job is in West Palm, to be honest we cant wait!
  9. We ended up taking him to La Vista at Hythe marina on the advice of a friend. It was great, a good selection of fish on the specials board and he was happy with it so all went well.
  10. Just been to ticket office for my tickets for tonight and was told they have sold less than 13.5K for tonight so far.
  11. Right you lot its like this, I have recently been to Florida for a job interview and been offered the job subject to a successful visa application. Now, it has been going very well up to now but the boss of the firm I will be employed by is visiting Southampton on business next week and wants me and the Mrs to have dinner with him. He is a fan of good quality seafood and I promised him a decent slap up meal of his choice should he ever visit the UK. little did I know he would take me up on it! This is where you come in...... What is the best seafood restaurant in the Southampton area? Many thanks.
  12. £5 well spent, keep up the good work.
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