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Everything posted by Golactico

  1. I do admire Weller's integrity for always refusing to reform The Jam, but I can't help wondering whether it might have been a nice gesture for the other two, just to have done a one-off, short UK arena tour at some point.
  2. another good video
  3. Firstly, whether you use tuning pipes, a clip on tuner (recommended) or an online tuner, you must make sure your guitar is in tune - otherwise, however well you're technically playing, it'll sound rubbish. In terms of actually learning to play, my advice would be to firstly learn how to play the relatively easy A, D and E chords. With just these three chords, You'll be surprised how many songs you'll be able to play (albeit basic versions). Putting in the practice to learn these chords will be your fasted route to feeling like your getting somewhere on the guitar. I did a very quick YouTube search and this guy seems to be much less annoying than an awful lot of online guitar teachers.
  4. Won't go into detail, but on the day that the PM declared the NHS 'broken' a couple of weeks back, a close relative was admitted to hospital, following a trip to A&E. Scans were fast tracked and things are now moving in the right direction. This all followed close monitoring by the local GP. Even when declared 'broken' it seems that the NHS staff step up to the plate and go the extra mile. Delighted to hear that doctors have been awarded something approaching a fair increase, following years of being shafted.
  5. There are YouTube clips of the physical actor (Dave Prowse) delivering Vader's lines in rehearsal. It's very apparent from these what James Earl Jones' voice brought to the character.
  6. Defining Marxist philosophy is hardly a 'gotcha', when the only people defining Harris as a Marxist are Donald Trump and his cronies. It's like me claiming that a cat is a dog and providing the dictionary definition of a dog as 'evidence'.
  7. With 8 staff, it was probably a double polling station (two local stations co-located in one building). All of those staff will be there for 16+ hours as there's no way of predicting busy times. Pay is not much more than minimum wage (which is fair, given that there are usually long quiet periods) The process means that each worker does one part of the procedure at any one time, hence needing to employ a single queue system.
  8. Much as we'd all love this pic to show what we want it to show, annoyingly the family never lived above the shop. They lived in Portswood and then moved to a big house in Bassett when the money started coming in.
  9. Sunak gets pissed on. The weather is clearly making its own prediction.
  10. Sack Martin now. Get Allardyce in, just for the play-offs, giving him the remaining league fixtures to assess the squad. Whatever happens, start afresh with a new manager next season. Any replies saying that's a ridiculous idea, please explain why sticking with Martin is a better one?
  11. What a surprise https://www.hampshire.police.uk/news/hampshire/news/news/2024/april/investigation-launched-after-disorder-following-portsmouth-vs-barnsley-game/
  12. Which is where I personally look to those 97% of climate scientists for the answer. Wasn't it Michael Gove that suggested that people have 'had enough of experts'? Well, I tend to disagree and rely on them to inform me about all sorts of things.
  13. There are of course climate scientists who, for whatever motive, present a good argument to ordinary folk, for man made climate change being a myth. However, being an ordinary Joe without the brains nor inclination to become a climate scientist myself, I have to rely on the consensus of 97% of people who have put in the hard yards to become climate scientists and agree that man made climate change is real. This is backed up by my own observations over a nearly 60 year life-span.
  14. I remember going to the Joiners for a midweek gig with my flatmates, to see some band I'd barely heard of, basically because I had nothing better to do that evening. Turned out Radiohead were actually quite good.
  15. I was out walking with the family near Wickham last summer and a group of people came towards us and one of the guys smiled and said hello. I recognised him from somewhere and thought it must be someone I vaguely knew. It took me a minute but a quick look on Google images confirmed that it was actually Hugh Fisher. I don't know him at all - he was just being a nice, friendly guy. I'd have stopped for a chat if I'd realised sooner, but the moment was gone. It would've been a bit undignified for a star-struck 50 something year old to be going chasing after him!
  16. Grateful for any informed opinion on this scenario. Quotation accepted for a domestic building project that includes the provision of lighting and power points. Contractual document detailing agreed price and detailed scope of work (including electrics) is signed by both the contractor and customer. Work commences at the agreed time a few months later. At the point that the basic structure is in place, the contractor advises that having only just made a detailed assessment of the necessary electrical work, it isn't possible to use the existing house electrics infrastructure (as had initially been assumed at the time of quote and contract agreement) and the additional work required will incur an additional cost to the customer of £1K. Is the customer obliged to just cough up, or are they entitled to say 'no - you did an assessment and offered a list of work at a price that has been contractually agreed. The fact that you failed to carry out a proper initial assessment of the cost of the electrical work is of no concern of mine and I will only pay the price offered and agreed in the contract.' Thanks in advance for any useful opinion.
  17. Just upgraded our TV - which was embarrassingly overdue. Our old Sony Bravia must have been 15 yrs old and was not in any way 'smart'. All connectivity to iPlayer, Netflix etc was through an equally ancient BT box, using the Youview platform, which had an integrated hard drive for recording shows. I see that to record TV on our new LG TV, I need to get an external Hard Disc Drive to connect to the USB slot. Anyone got any suggestions of specific models or minimum spec I should look for? Can I go for something cheap and non-branded off Ebay, or is that false economy?
  18. I think you're missing the point. If you're bothered about 80 billion animals a year living miserable lives and being slaughtered so that most humans can eat meat, rather than some of the resources needed to feed those animals going to the 800+ milion humans who are hungry, meat substitutes seem like at least part of the solution. Obviously many of these products are just junk food, like the meat products that they seek to replace. Also, if you believe/are bothered about climate change, eliminating animal products from your diet is the single most effective thing you can do to mitigate your personal impact. Animal agriculture causes more greenhouse gases than all the world's car/plane/shipping/train emissions put together. Meat consumption obviously has health benefits for humans, but none that can't also be found in a non-meat diet. Of course, meat also has well documented links to a number of serious health issues. The vast majority of meat consumed is a cheap factory farmed product - very difficult to describe anything about that process as 'natural'. Dairy products too - milk production starts with a farmer sticking his/her fore-arm up a cow's arse. I wouldn't call that 'natural' myself.
  19. https://www.chortle.co.uk/news/2023/10/12/54315/mike_yarwood’s_daughters_front_new_film_about_his_rise_to_fame_and_sudden_disappearance
  20. Scant mention in the obituaries of the Invisible Man, in which he starred. I loved that program as a kid.
  21. IF we pull the plug on Martin, I hope we do something radical like appoint someone with plenty of managerial experience. Young and enthusiastic don't seem to be attributes that have served our purpose over the last three appointments. Hate to say it, but I can think of a very experienced, rather rotund person who would stop the defensive rot and get us winning ugly....
  22. He was a huge TV star in the 70s. I remember he once did a sketch impersonating Lawrie McMenemy. He then seemed to just completely disappear in the 80s.
  23. Golactico

    Che Adams

    It's very beneficial for him if he signs a new 3 year deal and then gets an ACL injury in training the next day.
  24. The UN chief is saying we have reached the era of 'global boiling' and called for redoubling of efforts to phase out fossil fuels. However, it appears that the most inconvenient of all inconvenient truths is that changing the global food system should be the real priority. It seems that all fossil fuel use could stop dead tomorrow and we still would not achieve the 1.5 degree limit, due to what we eat and how we produce it. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aba7357
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