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Petersfield Saint

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Everything posted by Petersfield Saint

  1. I was getting 30mb down and 3mb up courtesy of Virgin in Petersfield, but since moving to the frozen wastes I'm now stuck on their National service for non-cabled areas (despite being in the middle of Durham FFS). Supposedly I'm averaging about 4mb down and 1mb upstream but it's up and down like a whore's drawers and doesn't work at all half the time. The irony is in my new street I could have had BT Infinity and 40mb downstream but I'm locked into Virgin's contract and they won't take Infinity wholesale (even though BT have made it available to other suppliers now). To really rub it in, I've just got a letter from Virgin telling me that my old address has now been upgraded to 60mb... ****s...
  2. This, sadly
  3. Brown paper bag then some serious damage could be done...
  4. This seems to be a continental thing - my German wife reckons that it's absolutely the norm in the Fatherland that in his own home at least, the man would be expected to sit down for a pee - a rule she rigidly enforces in Petersfield Saint Towers. Am I under the thumb? Too bloody right I am!
  5. Has dalek hacked your account?
  6. Dog Best avatars since Master Bates
  7. Sounds a bit suspicious to me; I would take a look at the TDS website - there's loads of information there for both tenants and landlords. I'm at the other end of the scale - a conscientious tenant just in the process of moving out and wanting to make sure I don't get shafted over my deposit!
  8. The poor lady has died http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-18250776 Normally I'd be anti-capital punishment but I think I could make an exception for the scum who did this...
  9. Feel sorry for my Blades-supporting mate but Huddersfield deserve it especially after last year
  10. Until you move to a non-cabled area as I just have; I had just been upgraded to 60mb too
  11. This, though would love to be proven wrong!
  12. Oh please, pretty please!!!
  13. This; a colleague is selling his house (in London) and it seems pretty much the norm there.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojJKWwghVcc
  15. Butternut squash stuck in there I reckon
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsSyHgeCKi0&feature=related
  17. Greatest thread ever?! I remember everything posted so far - I must have spent my entire childhood glued to the telly!
  18. Loving the comments on there!
  19. This, especially oop North it would seem!
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