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Petersfield Saint

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Everything posted by Petersfield Saint

  1. Aldershot away will suit me just fine!
  2. Isn't that what's going on in your avatar?
  3. What they both said, Saints or nothing for me
  4. Beat me to it; was gonna say maybe SCC could add them to their art collection!
  5. I can honestly say that I hate this man more than Lowe, Wilde or any of the others put together!! :minigun::smt021:rock:
  6. Great idea - I haven't had a s/t since 2002 but would happily get behind this!
  7. Just playing devil's advocate here, but maybe there should also be an option on the poll for those who wouldn't put any money in - as we've seen there are at least a couple of posters who are against this plan (and fair play - they're still entitled to their opinions) - to gauge overall opinion? FWIW - I would happily pledge £500 now and maybe more if I could afford it
  8. Gets my vote!
  9. Lol!
  10. Wasn't his debut, he was signed in the second half of the previous season IIRC
  11. Agree with all of that Steve, and personally thought it was never a red card. Basically thought the ref ruined the afternoon, however can take some positives even in the face of a 4-1 defeat! Need some points now though. How was your seat? We ended up in the Upper Tier, about half a dozen seats away from Crouch and Wiseman - fair play to 'em!
  12. I'd prefer to keep the existing badge long-term; I know it's only been around since the '70s but there's just something very distinctive about it, it really sticks out from other club badges and as others have said - if it aint broke don't fix it. Having said that I quite like your idea of just having it for the one season with a historical kit; I wouldn't mind that at all
  13. Amen to that brother... :mad::mad::mad:
  14. I can see where Saint Martini's coming from up to a point, but ultimately agree with you Alpine - if we're paying these b****rds' wages then they should be playing
  15. After three games? You're joking right?
  16. Couldn't agree more
  17. **Sigh** All of the above and so much more, and as someone else said night games too - what a brilliant atmosphere, never come close to being matched at SMS. God how I miss the old place...
  18. I've been cautiously optimistic even since before pre-season got underway. I haven't seen any of the friendlies but I like what I've read and heard. Heart says top half which is what I voted for, but anything beyond being comfortably safe I'd be pretty happy with after last season.
  19. Redknapp surely? At least Branfoot gave a f***, even if he was sh**!!
  20. I rarely post here (happy to be amused reading everyone else!) but was happy to stump up a fiver. £5 for a whole year is a bargain, really can't see how anyone can gripe about that (but I'm sure they will!)
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