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Mr Tickle

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Everything posted by Mr Tickle

  1. 9 x £34 tickets available! I will hang onto them just incase the ticket office get their act together before Sunday! Failing that I will hand them out for free in a bar in London before the match.
  2. Todays update... I emailed David Luker to say I wasnt happy about paying for their mistake, he sent an email back saying somebody would call me in minutes! Guess what 6hrs later no phone call! Sorry thats my lot I am not going to waste anymore of my time and effort on this! Therefore if your surname is 'King' and you havent received your tickets ring the ticket office and let ripp!
  3. That is exactly what I thought! But seriously their attitude was s hit! I could easliy take the tickets to London and flog them in bar and be completely untraceable. I have the names of the people the tickets are intended for (unfortunately no address) as their coach vouchers are included. I would rather send the tickets directly to the intended recepients as I am starting to think the ticket office really are in a mess! Life lesson for me today is...'Dont bother doing the right thing as it will end up costing you!'
  4. You might of thought this was me due to the previous posts I had made but this is a different case! Get this! - I emailed David Luker about the 9 tickets I had received in error and had no response. I then this morning emailed the ticket office and they called me on my mobile. I have to say I am very unimpressed by the girl I spoke to. She asked me to send the tickets by recorded delivery back to the stadium. Therefore the ticket office are requesting that I take time out to safely return the tickets by recorded delivery and fund their f uck up as well! To add insult to injury she didn’t even say thanks! Shame on you ticket office!
  5. Well im extra smug! (Sort of!) As previously stated on other threads I have received my 8 tickets but also another 9 tickets!!! Cough...ticket office c ock up.... I have emailed dluker@saintsfc.co.uk to enable safe return of said tickets (as they are other peoples tickets!) however he has not emailed me back! Could anyone confirm this is the correct email address for the ticket office manager?
  6. Sorry mate I no what you mean but if somebody did it to me I would be well pi ssed off so I think it is only fair to treat as you would wish to be treated. So if anyone could give me the ticket Managers email address I will be handing myself (tickets) in! For the record I have never been visited by 3 ghosts.
  7. Dare I say it....I have 8 spare tickets which arrived on my door step yesterday!!! cough...ticket office f uck up!..cough Could anyone provide me with the SFC ticket Managers email address (David Lucker?) as I really need to sort this out as some poor b uggers will certainly miss out unless I am honest! I wouldnt want it to happen to me so therefore I shall be handing them back, so if your surname is 'King' you must by Mr Tickle a pint!
  8. Dare I say it....I have 8 spare tickets which arrived on my door step yesterday!!! cough...ticket office f uck up!..cough Could anyone provide me with the SFC ticket Managers email address (David Lucker?) as I really need to sort this out as some poor b uggers will certainly miss out unless I am honest! I wouldnt want it to happen to me so therefore I shall be handing them back.
  9. It's the Flux Capacitor same thing happened to me mates. If you want a good reliable friendly service and cheap try the following garage, they will also come out to you as well any time day/night: E. Browns Auto Repairs - 023 80 616263
  10. I am ITK on this and can confirm 100% the reason for AP's quick departure from St Mary’s. He left a Baked Potato in the oven before kick off and forgot to turn the oven off. This is fact! I am prepared to name my source if requested.
  11. Nice face but has a Muff like a landing strip made from bear fur.
  12. I think its quite funny that some people on this thread slate Peter Storrie. In my opnion this bloke is a legend and when the blue end of the M27 goes pop this man should be given the freedom of Southampton and a road should be named after him. Obviously only after he completes his bird. Has this thread made the Guiness Book of Records yet?
  13. Because they were down graded to the 'Bronze' website package after not paying their last bill. Therefore no web updates can be made unless they pay for a package upgrade.
  14. Mmmm......I think my diagnosis on this individual is correct. This is poster is clearly a Gay astronomer look a like, slightly spade faced and a little nervous about Social Clubs in the Northam part of Southampton in complete denial. Oh well that was my last post for 24hrs....\\:D/
  15. So you dont live in Romsey but you do accept you have spade faced features with a hint of a Gay astronomer look about you whilst also being a little worried about walking into social clubs in Southampton named the Northam Club? :confused:
  16. Romsey is the home of the only member of a secret club called: "Gay astronomer look a likes with slightly spade shaped features who avoid all Social Clubs in Southampton called the Northam Club."
  17. Romsey is the home of the official Russell Grant look a like.
  18. Dave Benson-Phillips for me
  19. Ward has signed 18month contract. source - Skysports News
  20. Check breaking news now then!!!
  21. Just announced!!!! HMRC are winding them up !!!!
  22. No that is not me. Instead of being one of the morons who spout off ‘I think I no this about them, I think I no this about that,’ ‘they should vote this or they should vote that’ etc etc... I purely simplify my opinion which I have concluded over hours /weeks / maybe even months or dare I say it years of debate! As I wrote before - This is my opinion in simple terms and as blunt and truthful as I can be from MY POINT OF VIEW.
  23. For what its worth I will give you my point of view in simple terms.... I would rather kill my wife and children and my best mates than EVER vote Conservative. Thank you for your time, good night. Mr Tickle.
  24. Are you joking???? This bloke is quite possibly the unfunniest person alive! Ive had better laughs at funerals than watch this unfunny t wat!
  25. Yeeeh Yeeeh...
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