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Mr Tickle

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Everything posted by Mr Tickle

  1. I couldn't have said it any better! Top post.
  2. I once took Debbie Thrower up the poo shoot, true story.
  3. Im with you on this Dog. Its the same as you see people on those minature steam trains, when they pass each other everbody waves. Funny really as most adult men who ride them have a camera as well. Could you imagine a grown up man waving at a child with a camera around his neck not on a train?! I think the law would have something to say.
  4. I use to pay Craig David a pound for every time he was sick in a conservatory.
  5. That is true however it is now a 'public Garden' hence Dog saying 'in his back garden.'
  6. Good old Fred.... I get it.
  7. And if you did the old bill would be looking for "Dave Benson Phillips" and then they would have to prove in court you posted it as Stu Gammy eye of Romsey / Russell Grant look a like??? Come off it! What a crock of s hit!
  8. Not being funny mate but on an internet forum I could claim I have seen the Queen being rodgerd up the ass by Henry Cooper, will I get in trouble for saying it? I can picture it in court now....Will Mr Tickle rise... Get a grip!
  9. At last a voice of reason and not a attention seeking cyber warrior aka The Russell Grant look a like.
  10. I wonder what his valley park friend Mr Thompson thinks abotu all this. I wonder if he likes child porn too? Urban Myth.....
  11. If you apply 3 coats of Marmite to your middle wicket everyday for a month it will turn into a Twiglet.
  12. Pulling out of Germany isnt a new thing its been slowly closing down over the past few years.
  13. I was paid a substantial amount of money to build the fourth stand at the Kassam stadium (Oxford United.) Instead I pocketed the cash and left the country. I am now a fugitive in Shanklin.
  14. Just a quick update on my mate Harry’s situation, he has just called me to say he opted for the Premier Travel lodge for his weekend away with the married female colleague he has been taking up the poo shoot. He opted for the Travel Lodge in the end due to the fair price and convenient check out service. Unfortunately it turned out to be the wrong choice! To cut a long story short prior to leaving for the Travel Lodge Harry’s Granny called him and asked if he wouldn’t mind doing a bag of laundry for her as her washing machine had just packed up. Harry’s granny had just returned from an over 65’s weekend in Eastbourne and was ****ged out. Of course my mate being a good bloke picked up his Granny’s laundry with the view of using the Travel Lodge laundry facilities thus not interrupting his planned weekend of filth. When he got to reception at the hotel he was informed by a member of the reception team due to staff shortages ‘House keeping’ would be unable to offer a personal laundry service for the weekend. Harry was not impressed by this as it would have meant he had to wash his Granny’s smalls himself when he returned home. Therefore Harry has decided in future he will use the Holiday Inn express. Saying that he had a bonus as the married, randy, dirty, nymphomaniac minx he is shafting offered to take it home with her and return it all cleaned and pressed on Monday morning at school. Get in!
  15. This story is quite similar to a dilemma one of my friends is currently going through. For the exercise I shall call him Harry. He is a school teacher who has just started at a new school. He started flirting with a very fit married teacher who was getting no front or rear door action from her useless streak of p iss weedy husband. Initially it started with innocent flirting in the staff room. The heat turned up when they exchanged mobile numbers and started sending a few suggestive text messages. This has now turned to full scale S & M sessions in the back of her car on the way home from school. Anyway after booking a number of dirty weekends away and telling people they have been on ‘training courses’ he is due to take her away again for another drugged fuelled weekend of filth. His dilemma is...... Should he go for a Premier Travel Lodge or Holiday Inn express?
  16. Actually no I am not. I would call a Ford Focus or a Vauxhall Astra 'ordinary,' certainly wouldnt put a BMW in the same league. For the record, as a previous owner of a Ford, Vauxhall, Audi, VW, Mercedes & BMW, I would put the BMW as the best car /drive and Mercedes well at the bottom!
  17. The old ‘BMW’ arrogant driver comments always make me laugh. My logic on why people keep saying this is because these people actually take time to admire the cars and like to criticise the drivers as an act of jealousy. Let’s face it, do you honestly believe Ford Fiesta drivers are any different? I wonder how many of these’ critics’ admire Ford Fiesta’s and watch them until they make a driving mistake? The truth is BMW’s are bloody excellent cars, they are admired by jealous people who love to criticise the drivers as it makes them feel better about the far in superior vehicle they are driving.
  18. In regards to the picture...where is a Muslim with a pack back when you need one!
  19. Gorillaz Cofirmed as replacements
  20. Is any one actually suprised!!! ??? Its a typical Tory thing to do!!! VAT on fuel bills anyone??? Ah yes that was another great Tory legacy. Its only going to get worse here on in with the Con-Dem Administration.
  21. NC has put out all the rubbish people / papers have been saying over the last few months and still people question it be a conspiracy! Stu(pid), How come your "Mole" didnt no Alan was at St Marys yesterday having the meeting? ITK my arse! Honestly! Some people! 2+2 = 9 anyone!
  22. I thought this thread was about a Spanish catch phrase.....
  23. Im sorry but Im going to have to say it! This is quite possibly the Gayest thread in the world, ever!!! For fu ck sake the lot of you all need training!!! Water this egg that! NO! The answer is back on the horse! 3 pints when you when you wake up, a roast dinner followed by snooze = no worries and you feel normal. Come on people get a grip!:mad:
  24. Fair play to you, very good of you! I certainly will not be paying out of my pocket for a situation forced upon me especially after making phones calls and emails to the club and having zero response. I have spent enough time trying to help them sort their f uck up out! Really does put the £3.00 booking fee per ticket in perspective! Shame on the ticket office! :mad:
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