Mr Tickle
101 -
Everything posted by Mr Tickle
And the winner of "2 + 2 = 5 Post 2012 goes too...."
Is it half term already?
You have Dog Aids, you have about 24hrs to live.
Jill I don't think you will ever see the cash. For five hundred squid you will pay most of that to a legal person. Agree 100% the bloke is a total low life! As a father myself to lie to your kids is just so wrong! Total *****! I really really hope the mods/owners of this site allow this post to run as word will get out And before long his own people will no what a tosser he is! Best of luck. Moto of the day...."never give away your pussy for free." (jerry springer moment!)
Phill most of your posts seem to be in a strange language to me! However you nailed it on this one! From someone who emigrated from the uk to Australia!
Oh my god! The author of this post should be shot by firing squad at the bargate! What a cock! Grow a pair of ******** you silly little boy. I trust you will look at yourself in the mirror today and have a word with yourself. Shocking! Truly shocking! If I was you I would self impose a ban from anything Saints related for a few years or your voice breaks. Shaking my head in utter disbelief!
Roger = a1 t w a t! Honestly! Have a word with yourself you Cyber knob head.
Corp FYI, Adkins was a pro goal keeper first, Physio 2nd.
She was fit, my mates were envious, great **** and lovely to have on the arm whilst also pleasing to the eye. She dumped me for a richer bloke, he had his attractions but wasn't all that. He had enough and moved on. She then went on to one fella to the next after he got bored, her looks faded and she was lonely. I on the other hand went through some sad times but have turned the corner. The future looks bright and I'm on to a good thing. She called me the other week saying she had made a big mistake. My response...."Go f uck yourself!"* Beattie to return??? No thanks!*
Can someone pm the Amy and Keith saga ? I heard all about it and would love to read it!
Wo wo wo! Let's calm this s h I t down! I was trying to make the point of, why kiss the badge after one game against a s h I t team? Personally I think he has not only jumped the gun, but hoped skipped and jumped it!
May well have this wrong!? On the sky sports app Alex is pictured kissing the Arsenal badge!? Fair play he's got his big move and cash etc.. But a bit early for that isn't it???
Kevin Nolan
Dog, interesting point about being woken up at 3am. This is actually the 'real time' of a so called witching hour. If I was you I would sleep with a crucifix and a black rubber cock.
Watch him sign for the skates, I have hunch! ;-)
Flip side to that mate, I saw Betty totally sober and refusing to sign kids autographs. Two sides hey?
Who is Twitter's Fourth_Official Picture of?
Mr Tickle replied to Crouchie's Lawyer's topic in The Saints
Henry cooper -
Really can't believe people are supprised by this! Surely the average educated uk dweller knows that with a 'conservative' government (con-dem) In place this was only a matter of time! Welcome to a conservative England! And by the way! Red , blue, green black etc... This wasn't what anybody voted for! The loving of ths so called saviours needs to cease and let democracy be put back in place!
I did Debbie Thrower up the poo shoot whilst Simon Parkin came on her tits.
I was in the same position myself a few years back. For extra cash in hand I turned to Bank Robbery. Piece of a p iss and not too much equipment needed. All I shelled out for was a banana, a bag with 'swag' written on it and a stocking. Total price was around a fiver and I am pulling in about 20k a job. Its so well paid I have quit my full time job as a Nuclear Physicist and just do the odd bank job as and when. Due to recently hurting my gun (banana) holding arm I have gone part time however still earning some decent wedge. To be fair I am a minor celebrity now and even saw myself on 'Crime Watch' the other week.
This is very similar to a story of mine... My old dear is getting on a bit and is finding looking after her house a bit of a struggle on her own as her health is not as clever as it was. She finds lifting the vacuum up and down the stairs a real pain in the ass. Anyway there is this really sad bloke who lives next door to her who is always trying to chat her up. This sad muppet still lives with his mum. He wears tank tops and a bow tie and is a typical mummy’s boy. Rumour has it his mum still tucks him into bed of an evening despite the fact he is a grown man. He has been caught and cautioned by the police on a number of occasions for stealing old ladies under wear off of their washing lines and has also been caught twice masturbating in the bushes at the over 65's bowls club. To cut a long story short, this weirdo gave my old dear a relatively new Dyson vacuum to keep upstairs in her house to apparently "save her lugging the other one up and down the stairs." Thoughtful you might think however I smelt a rat as this guy really can’t be trusted. So I blagged the old dear and told her that my vacuum had just packed up with the intention of taking a closer look at the unit the weirdo had giving her. My suspicions where confirmed, when I examined the vacuum as predicted the dirty low life has installed a camera which points directly up the vacuum users lower garments. Therefore do I: A - Go and knock him out? B - Call the old bill? C - Try this trick out on the beautiful Swedish Blonde next door?
Internet Forum is not the place to get Medical advice. Your man needs to get himself straight down the quacks and not to listen to "Know it alls!" Dont **** around with your health mate and dont expect some 16year old zit faced **** to have the same symptoms! (we are all different!)
Didnt Dowie take him from Saints to Coventry?
Sir Clive Woodward or Patrick Colliteer would be the obvious choice.