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  1. I never usually post on here, but get yourself to the docs immediately. Nearly lost my girlfriend to a dog bite a few years ago. Seemed innocuous at first, but after 24 hours developed into chronic septicaemia and had her in hospital for a week very, very seriously ill. Sorry if it seems dramatic or alarmist, but experience proves it's worth erring on the side of caution.
  2. Forgive me as a non regular for jumping in, but I didn't know until recently that Crimson Tide is actually said to be based on the real life story of Russian Naval Officer Vasili Arkiphov and his actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In a remarkably similar -- albeit real life -- situation, Arkiphov as second in command had to talk his captain and political officer out of launching their nuclear warheads as they were being surrounded by American vessels firing depth charges. Convinced that the war had started, for the pride of Russia the captain felt they had no choice but to launch -- and Arkiphov talked him out of it. Of course had he not been able to do so, that probably would've been that. Details of the event didn't emerge until relatively recently, making it clear that the Crisis actually brought the world closer to the brink than it occurred to even the main players at the time. Just thought it might be of interest to anyone who hadn't heard of it -- it's still not that well known.
  3. Usually a lurker here, but this one's drawn me out of the shadows -- which says something in itself. What terrible news. Condolences to all who knew him. It's a cliche I know, but it really puts things in perspective.
  4. SW17James

    Susan Boyle

    I've just rewatched Ms Boyle's performance -- was inspired to do so by this thread! I actually think I was a wee bit charitable to her previously. If she was packaged differently her voice would be much more cruelly exposed -- I'm not saying she can't sing, cos clearly she's got a pair of lungs, but when you compare it to someone like Ruthie Henshall's version (also on youtube), the gulf in class in pretty starkly exposed. The placement of her voice is very odd, and sort of unconnected, and there's no texture in the tone -- the nature of the song, and where it sits in her range, flatters to deceive a lot. I stand by my early comments, insofar as I wish her well, but it would be a little bit insane if she won (all IMHO of course). Greatest musical for me is Into the Woods -- just has it all; wit, insight, intelligence, complexity and some lovely melodies. I will always have a big, big soft spot for Les Mis though. Warhorse is supposed to be incredible.
  5. SW17James

    Susan Boyle

    Couldn't agree more -- think the whole genre has got a bit of a bad reputation (or at least, an inaccurate reputation) based on a few shows. Would really recommend Spring Awakening to anyone looking for something a bit different (it's even got nudity!) Also A Little Night Music is really excellent, and worth catching for its short season at the Garrick (and very much in the Ragtime model of more intelligent, yet tuneful, work). It's fantastic that you got to see Ragtime -- I'm pleased I did (it wasn't around for long). Les Mis is rumoured to be touring again soon (first tour for about 15 years -- the London show turns 25 next year). I don't know the schedule, but I'd be surprised if it didn't land at the Mayflower at some point.
  6. SW17James

    Susan Boyle

    Hi All Musical Theatre's my business, so it's really interesting to hear these opinions (I'm usually more of a lurker here, but felt obliged to pop up on this one!) I agree with you miserableoldgit. Her voice is pretty good -- she's certainly not bad at all -- but there are plenty of stronger singers working in the industry, so some of the hyperbole that creeps into these things is a bit silly IMO. I've worked on Les Mis myself in the past, and most Fantines (not Cosettes, Draganov) are considerably stronger -- but then you'd expect that, they're professional and do 8 shows a week, which really strengthens the voice up. In addition to the names you mention -- some of whom are on the decline a bit now sadly -- I'd flag up names like Kerry Ellis, Tony Vincent, Sharon D Clarke, Zubin Varla and Jodie Jacobs, who are really, really good (whether or not you actually like musical theatre). Having said all that, I wish Susan Boyle well. Her passion for what she does seems to come from the right place, and totally genuine, which is nice to see in a genre (as in reality tv) that's usually concerned with the pursuit of fame as an end in itself. She's also clearly got a lot of natural talent. With a bit of training, she'd probably have been a pretty good character actress -- there's certainly nothing wrong with the timbre of her voice. There's still time of course.
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