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fareham saint phil

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Everything posted by fareham saint phil

  1. Has to be Lambert for his all round play not just the goals, his presence on the pitch is huge for us these days, he lifts the team AND the fans 2. Harding, he has been excellent all season, what a free he has been, best ever free maybe. 3. Lallana for his workrate, assists and his goals, best season by far, last year screwed him up royally. Next season if Fonte plays a full season then it will be interesting
  2. I thought LB had run out of steam last night, he had done so much running that he was spent, still surprised he didnt take JP off who i thought had a terrible game
  3. You cant have a team of MLT's every team needs a "destroyer", he wasnt the worse on the pitch last night by a long shot, and he gives 100% all the time, yes his best years are behind him but he is still doing a job for us. I remember he celebrated at wembley more than any other player. good bloke to have around, AP must see something in him
  4. It just didnt happen last night, oldham came for a draw and started time wasting from the off, 9 men behind the ball etc etc, it was one of those games, how many have we seen over the years like that? If Papa had tapped it in from 1 yard out instead of playing it the other way the dream would still be very much alive, as it is we have had a fantastic season clawing away a -10pts to start with, many on here thought certain relegation. Every manager makes mistakes even the best, I think AP has a vast support of the fanbase so he is the man to lead us IMO
  5. How about at the Dell when we beat Newcastle 3-1 with all 3 goals in the last 5mins or so if memory serves me right, days of Shipperley etc., actually just a dvd of the last few mins would be good!! At SMS yep the 4-3 norwich for atmosphere also the southend game to put us into the play-offs
  6. Had to laugh at the number of times he mentioned us, not worried??? Oh I think so. They probably got a little of what we were feeling the other night with LB's late late goal, I'm sure there was plenty of "OH no's" flying around when we scored. It is a fair point to look at Charlton they seem dead in the water at the moment and have hard games to come. Whatever happens we have to keep winning and see where it takes us
  7. This completes this post as no one can think any different to that (smiley face thingy)
  8. For the younger fans he will only be a name us older ones throw out now and again, but for anyone that saw him what a player!! him and Matty in midfield was pure heaven and anyone MLT rates so highly cant be that bad. Remember coventry away in the Grobelaar did he/didnt he match, he was pure class scored 2
  9. As mentioned before can anyone match Denis Rofe for half time entertainment, we paid good money to see that!!!
  10. Loved the fan that caught the ball on the volley from a high clearance and booted it back up the pitch, sheer class, sign him up
  11. After seeing that performance i'm sure a few more will come back
  12. That was classic TV at its finest, but couldn't make out what storey said before that, it sounded like i own/run this club or words to that effect. Some of them seem to think that administration is the saving grace for them but i feel the HMRC wont be put off as easy as some seem to think
  13. The £54 and £44 and £34 behind the goals are sold out as of 30mins ago, i had to go for the £24 behind the goals. There are £34 left in the gods on each side but the bloke said they are "selling really well"
  14. Some people will complain about anything, me im grateful i still have a club to follow and it is being run by people that seem to take into account the fans and try to do things for them. Just look when a fan won £250.000 and it went to the club and we brought bradley wright phillips, people complained about that...... oh wait bad example!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Well thats funny, we saw the **** arrive and as bold as brass walk around from the car park and past the megastore and apart from a few shouting wheres your money etc we never saw anything happen. He had a smug look on his face from the off, he arrived before the turnstiles opened when there wasn't thousands of bods around, i think its his way of trying to get in with their fans who most hate the **** anyway, but slagging us off is nectar to them isn't it
  16. Totally agree i refused to sing it and have been told by loads just how good their fans were singing Play up ......., got fed up telling them the real reason it was so loud, **** support from them today only when the game was out of sight were they in full voice
  17. A very good read and confirms what i have always thought, the hatred is more from their side than ours and the use of the word "scum" is second nature to them, once heard an OAP say it to my then 5yr old son. So for old ****ers like that i look forward to us giving them a send off out the cup
  18. The news has always been ****e, when we win tomorrow no matter how good we played their report will be on cloud cuckoo land as have the others
  19. Lets be honest he must be desperate to sign for a club that cant pay his wages on time and could be out of business this time next week!!!
  20. Wembley is Wembley and no one can take that away from us, its 18yrs since we were there (yes i know the old one) so im going to enjoy every single minute of the day out
  21. Was really glad to see Harding back last night
  22. And i'm thinking dont go to the final Jeff!!!!!!!!! We have a lovely trophy cabinet at SMS full of lovely things, ok not many trophies but all the same very nice, lovely one from (I think) Leeds for their first trip to SMS, the only team to do that
  23. Spot on Me for one is sitting back, enjoying the ride loving being a Saints supporter, the alternative was unthinkable, so here we are with a manager that has brought in decent players for the league we are in, talks sense when he opens his mouth, hes very thoughtful of what hes saying and is respectful of the team, club and fans. We have a chairman that is backing not only his manager but the club and fans. The tea serving at the ticket office may not be a massive gesture but it showed he appreciated the fans, if he hadn't have done it no one would have criticized him for not doing it!! At the start of the season all we wanted was to have a club, then it was not to be relegated now its to make the play-offs, our success is changing our goals all the time. Some will never be happy here and find fault with everything thats life. But Im enjoying what we are doing this season tonight is a massive game for us bring it on!! I'm a Saints supporter and wouldn't swap with anyone
  24. Theres always talk at any derby match that there is going to be violence, even heard it a few years ago between Carlisle and Darlington FFS. Its always going to be part of folklore derby match = violence There will always be a few that want to big themselves up and "come on over here if you think you're hard enough" (wow that brings back memories along with "You're going to get your ****ing head kicked in"). But i think like other derbies at SMS the police will have it covered. SMS is a much safer ground to police than their ****hole so the police breathed a sigh of relief when we were first out. I know dads and kids that will be in the away end and they are looking forward to a good match nothing more, and bragging rights for sundays youth football league As some have said if you want trouble you will find it somewhere on saturday, but if, like me, you go to support the team and enjoy a victory then you will return home to your loved ones, in one piece and in time for tea.
  25. Very mixed Living in Fareham i have lots of blue friends, and to the ones that didn't gloat when we were in danger and ones that i know have followed them for years and are decent people i wouldn't want to see them go under, i know how i was feeling last year when the chips were down for us. For the glory hunting ****s that have latched onto them and have called me and the kids scummer often then i wish nothing the misery they are in now, but these people will wander off and support the top 4 again A win next weekend will erase alot of bad memories from a few years ago and will ensure that the car sleeps in the garage for a few weeks after
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