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fareham saint phil

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Everything posted by fareham saint phil

  1. To rip up his contract shows great integrity and honorable behavior, couldn't see many doing that in any walk of life, so credit to him for that. His press conferences while at Saints were the stuff of legends and more entertaining than the matches at times, you could smell the fear from the interviewers. I enjoyed his time here, but time to move onwards and upwards, WGS i'm sure is welcome at SMS but as a spectator only these days. Good luck to him in whatever he does and it will be good to see him back in tescos at burlesdon!!!
  2. I never had an axe to grind with Pardew, thought we were going in the right direction, BUT he's gone now and I'm liking what i see of NA, and I'm thankful the change happened early enough in the season not to effect us as much as it could have. No one will ever know if we would have been better off under Pardew but things are starting to look rosey again, so looking forward to games now, not dreading them.
  3. Always wished Shilts had took the cheating little ****ers head off, always ****ed off about the second goal Reidy should have took his legs off, bitter and twisted about it, who me!!!!!!!!
  4. I remember the good old days and the "I saw Perry Groves play for Saints" stickers, I feel the same coming on here, a rather fetching black T-shirt with his picture on it of course so we remember what the heck he looked like
  5. Dennis Hollywood, now there was a film stars name on a complete nutter, i used to have a football card where he was starring at the camera wide eyed and had the look of a serial killer, i had nightmares and always put him at the bottom of the pack!! but have to say he signed his autograph a few times for me, when i finally plucked up the courage to ask, this was inbetween easting babies and satan worship
  6. Blast from the past, i remember thinking, not Razor, anyone but Razor, BANG, never had a doubt get in there!!!!, v Newcastle sent them domn and kept us up. Thats the longest i remember but at least we were scoring goals then, this year i think we need a flukey goal to get us going again, we need a goal badly
  7. NO (cant believe i've wasted one of my 3 posts to say that)
  8. Condolences to you and your family RIP
  9. We needed a figure head, that was clear, good appointment and now i want him to be the most successful Saints manager ever, because if he wins, we win. Think anyone who sells horses heads will do a roaring trade the next few days when NC does payback
  10. Too ****ing true
  11. RONSEAL, does extactly what it says in our statement
  12. He's gone, get over it and move on, he's not coming back, pointless chants
  13. I dont think his couple of comments are anything "sensational" and not what most people are thinking. I dont think we'll ever know the full truth of what happened it was easier getting information out of the kremlin during the cold war than it is getting it from SMS
  14. What a great pic, the glum looking youngster what the **** is that about!!!, even some applauding dont look happy, had a real good laugh at this and boy do we have some ugly supporters!!!!!
  15. Thought he must have been out of favour when he never came on against us pre-season, must have been the only sub not used that day
  16. Just what EVERYONE wanted to hear, its clear that Markus, NC and Markus's family have been touched deeply by the clubs supporters, this will only galvanise EVERYONE to propel Saints forward, its a statement for us all to put our minds at rest before a difficult occasion/game. We fell on our feet the day he walked into our club WIFM
  17. Quite a few at the ground were in tears too, and the number of NOOOOOOOOOO when we thought CMFG was getting in the way, fitting way to say goodbye to the old place, many good memories from there, but i am surprised just how many memories i have from SMS already most good, first win, Beattie and the skates, MLT testimonial, and only a few bad ones, Leeds still cant believe that, 2 relegation's bad times
  18. Excellent thread and some good (and bad) memories Good times! 76 cup final, the old stadium the smell(!) the delight the journey home everything stays in your head Keegan signs, living in Cumbria at the time and only found out the day after, sat there on my bed in disbelief Saints were talk of the school and me being the only Saints supporter (probally in cumbria!) everyone was asking me about it, i knew nothing but lied as if i knew everything, good time Promotion to the 1st division, listening on a radio in my bedroom to whatever radio station it was at the time (radio 2??) biting nails as Saints and spuds "played" out a 0-0 to both get promoted Cardiff FA cup final, pride in everything red and white or should I say yellow Changed shirts at the Dell, thinking my wife had gone mad when she said "thought they were playing in grey the first half" looking up and then having a 10min convo with the bloke behind me on "they cant do that" lines but of course it was manure they could!! great escape, first match for my son and all going to the macdonalds in hedge end after the match and getting our meals for nothing just because we were saints supporters Saints being saved, punching the air in the living room watching SSN Bad times any relegation, sitting in the stadium thinking will we ever get back up again Markus, SSN disbelief shock sadness the whole 9 yards
  19. Thats £2.99 you're talking about she should think herself lucky!!!!
  20. wayheyyyy sisters christmas pressie sorted cheers JLT
  21. Yes it is their choice to join up, but fair play to them for getting off their arse and doing something other than sponge off the rest of us, all the other jobs you mention people also have a choice to do those as well one of the differences being is that they will get paid a hell of a lot mpre than soldiers do. They dont choose where to go, they go were they are ordered to go and do a hell of a job and are rightly the best armed forces in the world. They get paid ****, they live in **** accommodation in this country and get sent to do a **** job, but they are best at it. Why shouldnt they be treated when at home they deserve it. whether you think they should be there or not, they are try treating them with abit of respect
  22. Each to their own, agree or not its postponed now, the "good" thing is that the next game is a home game where the fans can say farewell and pay their tribute hopefully in a minutes applause as i would hate any "Ted Bates minute silence issues" although i think LO would be ok. Fitting that we give him a fantastic send off after all hes done for the club, my lasting memory will be the JPT final with AP holding up the cup and ML behind him camera in hand, just like most of us that day
  23. I did find it very strange the huddle at the end of the game, ive never seen us do that before was AP part of that huddle??, also he did seem emotional in his interview after. AP always had a good word for him so it must have shocked him greatly
  24. Personally leave St Mary's as just that, remember when it was the friends provident SMS everyone called it SMS only even the press, so the roots are too deep there leave it as is. I like the idea of a bust in reception together with a large picture of him at wembley, so visitors will see and know who he is for years to come. If any part of the ground is re-named then it should be the Itchen. but that should be down to the family
  25. Stunned Saddened and shocked Forever a Saint, always remembered for arriving in our hour of need RIP Markus
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