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Saint in Oz

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  1. download expat shield. working a treat here in Perth
  2. The Ray Wallace sale to Leeds for $100k which was as part of the deal when they took Rod.
  3. signs are positive http://www.firstrowsports.tv/watch/88745/1/watch-southampton-vs-middlesbrough.html don't know if it will be in english
  4. Due to the eviction at Dale Farm the travellers have been offered an alternative site on Portsmouth's football ground.... Furious at the thought of dirty, thieving, in-bred, semi literate animals living right on their doorstep, the travellers have turned it down
  5. download and install EXPATSHIELD
  6. do you mind if I ask what your qualifications are? As I have never heard of an Electrical Installation Engineer............ No offence intended (and I rather not get on my soapbox..as I don't know you personally) but I have never heard of an Electrical Installation Engineer (please enlighten me). I have worked with electricians, instrument technicians and Electrical Engineers (with the latter being somebody who has professional qualification - i.e degree). I moved to Australia six years ago where for me it is a breathe of fresh air - where (I believe rightly) only somebody with an appropriate engineering degree can be called an Engineer. An electrician is a separate profession as is an instrument technician. No disrespect intended but nobody normally calls them self a medical doctor or an accountant without first going to uni to be qualified and then practising for a few years in order to be competent and be recognised as such.
  7. skates 2 down, 1 red 7 yellows only 8K at the game, saints in front its all good saints 2-0!!!!!!
  8. try 'expat shield' In in Perth Aust and listening to 5 live
  9. hear hear Liverpool are still my most disliked team (after the skates of course), I always remember at school in the 80's kids in my class etc 'supporting' Liverpool who were Southampton born and bred and never even set foot in Liverpool. Love if they went down, can't see it somehow though.
  10. WIFE Washing ironing f***ing etc. No wonder the worlds has gone to the dogs this is how it used to be http://www.snopes.com/language/document/goodwife.asp http://www.maniacworld.com/woman-know-your-limits.html Harry is a legend
  11. If there is a pool at the hotel try this in future
  12. My eldest daughter is Adele, Did tread the water for Mary for our second daughter with her indoors but did not get far, she did agree at the eleventh hour to Mary as middle name but by then it was too late and I had settled on something else
  13. Think it got turned into flats/houses. The Manor I agree was awesome had many a night there when i was in my mid/late twenties The memories.....Danny Rampling as the sat night resident, Sunday nights when there was a bank holiday. It worked because it was off the beat and track had no beer monsters those that went made the effort.
  14. Have a look here: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/world-cup-in-pubs-from-port-kennedy-to-karratha-20100610-xz9c.html Going to be a long night... going to spewibaco to watch the rugby Aust-England and then to the Woodvale tavern for the football I think as a condition of the late licenses entry to the pub are ticketed - it is worth checking you might need to get one before the night.
  15. Just downloaded it works for me!!! Wish I'd known about this before
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