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Everything posted by glkdcdes
i am wondering why when an update from T.l. would be more needed than ever it is not forthcoming. Is it because the process is unravelling and he is too busy plugging the leaks in an unworkable bid. As i said 3 days ago, something is not right and that is blatently obvious now. I feel sorry for M.L.T as i have a horrible feeling hes been used in this. I really want to be wrong, but if i am, i fear the deal would have been done over a week ago. When i was in sales and a buyer has been closed and has no where to go other than hand over the money, on many occassions i would get what i call, the ********. Which is excuses like, i would buy but have just heard my wife is pregnant or i just need to talk to my financial adviser or i will be back later etc. What i am hearing now from Pinnacle sounds depressingly like ...the ********
Please Mr Lynham as you seem keen to update us, would you mind confirming if the money man put forward today is the same one client with substantail wealth you mentioned previously. I am starting to get unsettled by the difference between presentation and reality that seems to be occurring. I do not mean to sound cynical because i want to believe that you are our saviour, so would be interested in your response.
As time drags on i am getting an uneasy feeling about the Pinnacle deal. I hope Le Tiss is not being used and maybe duped. Has Pinnacle actually put any money down [ie suggestions that Crouch put deposit down?] Why is the mystery backer still secret? Why is it taking quite so long? There are little things not quite adding up. I hope i am wrong but something doesnt feel qyuite right. I hope Pinnacle is what it says it is. I feel slightly uneasy wrighting this and if all comes off Mr Lynam i sincerely apologise, but...........?
Ince would be the wrong choice. Strikes me as a self satisfied cat, the cat whos got the cream. All ego, living on his time as a player and perhaps a spoiled brat. With Matt back we need someone who understands Southampton. Has any one mentioned Nick Holmes. Now hes someone that would fight for us.
Enjoyed your tale and can relate to all of it as i started going to the dell as a 9 year old in 1964. Can remember getting players autographs as they came out in to the old car park. Like you the club is entwined with my family life and i always went with my younger brother from being a boy and when we both got married and went our own ways we would still meet outside the ground every home match and watched the match together. When he died at only 40 can remember the first game i went to after, standing at half time and thinking back with tears flowing as i looked around the ground. So southampton is in my blood. I think the spirit of the club was destroyed by a certain Mr Lowe, but thankfully he has now gone and with Le Tiss involved we must be more optomistic. Football has changed and will never be the same as it was when players were less mercenary but i really believe that we can now at least start looking forward with hope. So come on Tijuana Tim not far from pre season and another go on the rollercoaster of supporting our club.
Nickh, you try so hard[sometimes to hard] to be balanced and that is fair enough, but as one of the rabid Lowe antis, i have to say that for us not to take in the correctness of Lowes strategy and efforts in cutting costs is slightly patronising and missing the point. My reason for detesting Lowe is nothing to do with his financial or management acumen. It is because he is an egotist of the worst kind, self serving and self publicising. He is a man with no soul, i believe he is in many ways dishonest and certainly self deluding.[ see his latest proclamations of self righteous words in the press over the last few days.] As a character he is inpenetrable and i detest the fact that with the damage he has done to our club that he will never come within a mile of understanding his part. Some people are innately loveable. Lowe is the opposite. Any one may list, as he will the good things he may have done over the years for the club and no doubt he has had in his mind good intentions, but weighing all these with the terrible errors he has made, with the appalling character that he is, unfortunately i find him guilty of staining the history of our club. All this now is history as he has now gone. All i say is good riddance and at last we can continue our journey with the hope that things can never be as bad again.
Wilde and Lowe have just been escorted from the premises
glkdcdes replied to exit2's topic in The Saints
I hope Lowe with his new found spare time has time at last to dwell on the damage and pain he has caused to this great club. I am not religious, but tonight i will pray that he never again shows his face at St Marys where his arrogant incompetence has done so much damage. Good bye [i hope] and good riddance. -
forget number of points needed. If we accept Charlton are gone then we just need to match or better the number of points Norwich and Blackpool [and win our game in hand we have] can muster between now and the end of the season. Any thing on top of this is irrelevant, but a bonus.
SFC - Have we finally passed the lowest point ?
glkdcdes replied to alpine_saint's topic in The Saints
Mark my words, forget about 2 wins as good as that is. We will not see any real change while the imbecile Lowe is in any way involved with Southampton. If we stay up, which in reality is still a very tall order it will be in no way due to Lowes visions or capabilities and if we start beleiving it is the rock bottom is still ahead of us -
Was Lowe a lot closer to being right than we give him credit for?
glkdcdes replied to trousers's topic in The Saints
NO!........... sorry i mean YES! -
Was Lowe a lot closer to being right than we give him credit for?
glkdcdes replied to trousers's topic in The Saints
NO! -
Originally Posted by Tom28 I agree. Lets face it, he's talking about most of you lot on here who whine and moan like children about how this club has fallen like we have some god-given right to be further up the league (s) and out of this mess. Always looking for someone to blame; its boring. Most often you're blaming Rupert Lowe, but occasionally to change it up (presumably, because even you lot are bored of it), you'll find another scapegoat to get stuck into. I'm sick of it - this will be my last post on this site - good luck to you all and your negative, hate and blame filled existances. Oh, and incase its not infered by my post, I agree with everything Mark Wotte said. GoodBye... Quote: Originally Posted by Tom28 26/11/2008.... Watching Saints play this season has been great. My complaints in recent years have been over poor football quality and players lacking passion. I would far rather pay money to watch entertaining football played by guys who want to play for the club, that pay to watch the rubbish I saw last year. The results haven't been good this year, especially at home, and on the face of it, that is hard to take. But for those that still go to the games, you will see a much more entertaining brand of football. We have outplayed almost everyone this season, and our defeats are a result of naive defending more than anything else. The players are young though and will improve. I think we'll continue to improve and learn and finish around 16th this season. I don't even think we'll be playoff contenders next season, but the season after, assuming most of the players stay, I think we'll be in a great position to get promotion. We may lose one or two along the way such as Lallana (who lets face it belongs in the Premiership), but I think we have every reason to be positive about what is now going on at the club. For the first time in a long time, I see a long term sustainable plan in place to get us back in the Premiership. And that is a vast improvement over the short termist strategies employed in recent seasons. ... another Lowe visionary...........
Another Lowe visionary.............
The point is, he just doesnt get it. He is a puppet in all of this a total irrelevance. His time will be short with us and he will carry on with his pointless career somewhere else far away. In the mean time he really should shut his pointless little mouth up. The point is Lowe is continueing to snuff the life out of our once really quite good club.That i get angry about. This Wotte person, i just see a little boy speaking, tryng to play being grown up but failing..............
everyone has accepted we are in league one next season
glkdcdes replied to Mr X's topic in The Saints
There is no debate as to whether we are going down this season as Lowe not doing the decent thing and getting lost about 4 games ago along with appointing his Dutch masters at the start of the season has stopped any chance of recovering. The debate now in my mind is more about next season and let me state that with Lowe we will end up in the lower half of the table and possibly relegated again. If Lowe can be binned one way or another then we will end up in the top half of the table, with the same chance of promotion as of being relegated with Lowe. At least we can get used to the devestation of relegation allready as its the hope that kills you. So i can think of something to thank Lowe for, killing hope. There you go Lowe. My legacy.... i killed all hope. -
UNFAIR POST Unfair comments. Our weakness has been in the leadership of the club. With the dishonest leadership we have at present the enviroment is not condusive for good results. Im sure many of our players in a different situation could do very well. If ever a season was ruined by one man it was this one when the idiot Lowe got rid of Pearson. Slagging off our players is diverting attention from the real problem.
Find this post quite shocking in its complacency. We are going down this season unfortunately. We will be waving at Pearson as he passes us the other way. We, and even more the players and staff have had to watch the arrogant idiot Lowe continue to spread his charm and effective leadership around the club. All he has to do is hide away keep a low profile and surely some one will start to defend him. Mark my words, this team will only ever go one way while Lowe is involved.
disingenuous comment about players leaving if they dont want to plays for us. He along with other senior players have hardly been made welcome by the new regime. Weak comment Mr Wotte at the wrong time.
Ive got two versions of Lowe. 1. A devious, scheming, lying, manupulating, bullying, power crazy,egomaniac, destroyer of our club........in which case why are we all standing by and letting him destroy us.or 2. A kindly, well meaning, nuturer of young talent,operating in a cruel world where dark forces stand in his way, while single handedly he is trying to drag us stupid fans into reality, and if this version of this kind man is true it is spoilt totally because he is incompetent, and infact utterly stupid [but well meaning]. If this version is you Mr Lowe can you find it in your big magnaminous heart, for the good of the world to F..U..C..K.. OFF
I think you will find Jans comments were scripted by Lowe as part of his pay off. Wouldnt it suit Lowe that the fans forced him out rather than him. Poortvliet is an optimist and i really dont beleive he resigned. I would love to know the real truth, but i know this is a commodity in short supply at Southampton at the moment.
The only possible reason that Wotte would be appointed permanently is that Lowe knows hes not here much longer so is getting his revenge in to us supporters or Administration is round the corner. Can be no other reason.
Lowes filthy paw prints all over this. As negative as my opinion is of Lowe, Portvliet is a decent human being and i wish him well. I feel sorry that he was given the opportunity to become tangled up in the sess pit that Southampton has become under the scheming of Lowe. Cant wait for what web he is weaving for the press conference. One thing is certain. It will be Lowes verson and not the truth.
Sorry, but i think it is slightly patronising to suggest that most fans dont know what is going on in the wider world. It seems to be a lazy cover all comment that i have seen on this forum by people defending our current plight. Probably as patronising as Lowe hiking around the previous regime incompetence line. Of couse we cant compete with the big clubs, who thinks we can? Also to respond to the original post. I would be very surprised if anyone thinks it is just Lowes fault where we are. I certainly and again i bet most people actually dont think that and probable dont care who is to blame. From my point of view however, i do not trust Lowe and i do not like him. I dont like the way he treats people and i dont like the way he is killing the spirit of our club. I felt all these things before he came back, i just find him a distasteful man. When he got rid of Pearson and all the weazel words around that, i knew then it was a tragic error and time is only proving my feelings correct. So i do not think its all Lowes fault. I would just be very grateful if i didnt have to witness what this dispicable man is doing to the club i have supported for 40 years.
just struck me Lowe holding meeting with players and Poortvleit. How patronising to the manager. Seems to only serve the purpose of underming him. If he was a decent man manager, Lowe would hold the meeting with the manager only.Plus if its about football what does Lowe know. Or does he think hes going to motivate them out of the hole we are in.The whole situation is wrong, who could work happilly in that kind of set up.