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Everything posted by glkdcdes

  1. Some times things seem more certain or obvious with hind sight. I was with pinnacle until the back end of the exclusivity period when they started coming up with excuses and un beleivable explanations as to why they were not able to finalise. I bet mlt was aware earlier that things werent right, but who in his position could do anything other than hope he was wrong and plough on. For 19canteen to slag mlt off reflects more on his character than mlts, who with out any doubt acted out of his love of the club.
  2. Pardew must be so happy, the great lordswoodsaints has approved. His job is done.............
  3. good result, considering so early in our team building. last year we would have been beaten.
  4. History now. good luck to him on his journey around british clubs. Can understand some of what he says. Hope it was a misquote when he says he kept us up. I wonder what the other players feel about that?
  5. your really not far from the ground, why not watch it there.
  6. A very interesting post. It was clear towards the end that Le Tis was being used, and he was easy meat because clearly he genuinely loves the club. If Crouch did put the money down, i assume that is his write off. If that is the case, surprising we have not heard more about this. My experience of liquidators9is that the word?] is that as long as they can cover their arses and keep inside the rules, their only interest is the fees they can get away with. Dont forget the longer a process can go on the more fees charged. So all and all an unhappy saga, but at least now behind us.
  7. Originally Posted by surrey1saint FFS lets just be happy we have a club to support. Have faith in the new management guys. Could Delldays be typical of the ill informed, knee jerk, negative, never satisfied, kind of comment sadly too many people post on this forum. Of course we should be happy we have got a club to support, and spot on urrey1saint, lets for once just have faith.
  8. With us now being owned by one, successful competent and wealthy owner, for christ sake every one just be thankfull.I am more than happy to swap the constantly demoralising Lowe era for what we have now. We now have a driven , motivated competent manager, who will undoubtedly build a decent team. Of course we all want new players in quickly, but as we have not signed players this week, i reckon there will be good reasons. We really must all be patient. We may not get promotion this year, but i for one would swap the next 5 years with a single stable owner, than 5 years under the previous ******.
  9. A genuinely Great man. Not many people today that would be held in such respect where ever he went. Very sad to hear the news.
  10. just come up on newsnowsouthampton that stern john has re signed with us with one year contract. hope correct.
  11. glkdcdes


    Talking to Ipswich season ticket holder. Rated Harding very much, would have preferred that he had stayed.
  12. History, not worth discussing
  13. I doubt he actually turned us down, as in was offered job and turned us down. He may well have been contacted for an interview or sounded out through his agent. We would not have offered a job to someone following an interview unless we new it would be accepted. imo
  14. I dont think A.P. is under any illusions, his saints tv interview was about right. We need to be very realistic this season. Its a risky business building a new team quickly. If we dont get it right, we may even be sticking around the lower half of the season. Last season as soon as the idiot Lowe got rid of Pearson and started his Dutch experiment, it was clear that we would very likely be relegated. The difference this season is that the challenges at least are positive and with some luck [and good judgement obviously] with new signings their at least is a remote chance of promotion. I think the new regime are totally focussed on sorting out the team, but the pre season results will if any thing not hurt a.ps. efforts in getting new players in quickly.
  15. i just thank every day that the idiot Lowe is not part of my club, but to date am very grateful and impressed with new regime
  16. Mr Lynham............. not sure what it is, but there is something not quite right about you.............
  17. The good news he is a manager who will feel he has something to prove after Charlton. He has the ability and will be so motivated to do well. He must be buzzing with the potential of our club. Another tick in the jobs well done box for the new regime. Next tick please, 4 or 5 new players as our current bunch unfortunately fall short over all... Good luck Mr Pardew
  18. new manager pretty much the most important decision new board have to make, in reality if it takes 3 weeks but we get the right person so be it. I am pleased that we are not hearing leaks, so many of people involved previously im sure wanted to be looking good, serving themselves rather than the club, if you know what i mean.
  19. rightly or wrongly when i read your piece the words drama queen popped into my head.
  20. No...................
  21. We all know what Lowe is and what comes around goes around with people like him. Thankfully he is in the bin. Why would we want to hear anything he has to say any way, we are saints fans.
  22. top 6
  23. Day 1 sign Davis, day 2 sack Wotte.............. 10 out of 10 so far. Keegan , Dowie, Le Tiss, or Svensson, will not be appointed. I think you will find Coppel, Curbishley or Boothroyd will be more the type of candidate. I would put money on the appointment being made before wednesday.
  24. I think its crucial that the owner takes time to get the right people on board, these decisions will have the greatest impact on our future. Wotte rightly has been given a years contract and i think he should treat this as his reward for being loyal, in a time of great uncertainty. I dont feel that Wotte is the right man for the job unfortunately, for many reasons, and to keep him in place will risk the likely need to remove him during the season with the effect of losing this season. I am sure the new owner will be aware of the mistakes the idiot Lowe made in too many of his managerial appointments. I therefor hope that we have a good manager in place ideally by the start of the season, giving Wotte our sincere thanks and appreciation for the way he has carried him self over this difficult time.
  25. Prediction........ Pinnacle bid will not be succesful. Sadly M.L.T. has been used, i feel sorry for him. If the Pinnacle guys are jokers as is starting to look likely they, in 3 weeks would have done as much damage as Lowe in his 15 years. They must now put up or shut up...........
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