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The Incongruous Monk

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Everything posted by The Incongruous Monk

  1. Signed up and happy to do so. Stopped buying the programmes as they were cluttering up the house. This solves that problem. :-)
  2. Pretty much everyone asks here it seems. Gender, age, colour, probably religious beliefs. You're just not allowed to actually use it to discriminate against a candidate, although it seems it's fine to use is as a reason to discriminate for a candidate.
  3. Who cares? :-)
  4. It's not being loaned. Also, our cup runs and boosted attendances, combined with lack of debt repayments may well mean we're profitable this season, or at least close to break even.
  5. Not thick, it can't be done. The system just selects the next available in the half-block requested. One of the main complaints people raised in the recent request for feedback.
  6. Phoned just after 4pm today, took about 10 minutes. :-)
  7. Their sponsor went bust I think.
  8. Winchester's too far north.
  9. I'll take a look for you and get back to you over the weekend. :-)
  10. Which one are you missing? I've got a stack at home from around that time, if I have it, it's yours.
  11. If the intension is to continue (what has historically been the case) linking big games to purchase history memberships are essential as a means to encourage people onto the database and track sales.
  12. Sounds good. The decision to place database only restrictions for the Portsmouth game is understandable. However, if this is to become common for this sort of game it is vital that the club become more proactive in getting people on the database. Free or very cheap lifetime memberships would be a good start.
  13. The problem isn't so much the things the ref did give, it's the things he didn't. At this level there are too many refs that end up punishing the retaliation but don't see the incidents leading up to it. The off-the-ball niggles, the late challenges, the leaving a foot in. The ref move on so quickly that he misses all these things. How Gleeson stayed on the pitch last night is a mystery, and how we ended up with 5 cards to Dons 2 is also astonishing. There were maybe 2 or 3 challenges all night that deserved a card.
  14. James must be pretty close to 5 yellows if he's not there already. Are we sure he's available?
  15. In fairness the ticket details have been on the website since a week or two after the draw. They've been on "restricted" general sale since Monday. That said, the website sucks and trying to find anything is a pain. Handing the site over to premiumtv was the worst decision ever. The sooner we bring it back "in house" the better, in fact, if Nicola wants to give me a call I'm sure we can sort it for him. :-)
  16. I doubt it'll sell out, ST holders can get two Wembley tix without going to the MK Dons game so that's 12,000+ people that don't need to go.
  17. They've also been in L1 a lot longer and therefore didn't come into the squad with a crappy squad half of whom wanted out or wanted to sit on the bench. It's tough to make a genuine comparison.
  18. Signed:
  19. Was on the verge of sending a pretty extensive email to the TO after a painful experience trying to buy Luton tickets. Dumped all my thoughts on this instead. It's about 4 questions and takes no time. If you've any interest in online sales please, please complete the survey :-)
  20. Email tickets@saintsfc.co.uk they'll sort you out.
  21. Just phone them up and ask for a customer number. I'm pretty certain my in-laws did this. They've never been members so called, got a number and can now buy online.
  22. The Wikipedia article links to the official rules if you're interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offside_(association_football)
  23. 'fraid not. *Any part* of the head, body or legs. :-(
  24. I which case - he is off side. Any part of the head, body or legs counts. The only exemption is arms as you can't play the ball with you arms (generally). :-)
  25. The new-er website is truly awful. It's a terrible piece of design that gives more attention to ads than to content or anything else useful. It's woefully laid out, confusing, over-busy, technically dubious and generally a mess. As a software developer who has done some work with online sites I'd be ashamed and embarassed if this was my output. I appreciate there are probably good reasons why we've jumped on the generic standard bandwagon but the sooner we get off it the better. Any decent web design firm could produce a far better site in relatively little time.
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