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moon monkey

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Everything posted by moon monkey

  1. It is funny how Trousers makes a comment about watching someone yawn and then has to defend himself for making that observation before anyone makes a comment.
  2. and like that, he is gone
  3. Cage along with a number of other actors are infact bald or balding. they are just using various wigs through out films as they under go hair transplants.
  4. Bringing back a once great tv show is a bad move (just look at ofah) The writers and actors need a few quid and they know its gonna be a ratings winner no matter how bad it is.
  5. I think Tiss is pushing it too far by wanting 10 tickets and when he doesn't get them go crying to the media, 'I served the club for 20 odd years and saved them on many occasions, I deserve better than this.' He and many other ex players have got to stop spending the rest of their lives milking the club.
  6. He was on the bus, everyone had a smile on their face
  7. Oh dear, live on tv. That means at most, we will get a draw
  8. Eddie Howe had done such a great job and had handled himself so well. That interview is something I bet he regretted doing.
  9. You can bet the police will struggle with this one, given their level of incompetence
  10. You gullable fools for taking anything in the Star seriously.
  11. I got very angry when he blasted one over the bar. He can hit the target all the time for Millwall
  12. moon monkey

    127 Hours

    A superb soundtrack too
  13. Adkins has my support, he is a good, honest hard working professional who wants to win games as football.
  14. I am very distressed and upset about this. Why is Adkins talking to the star of all papers?
  15. I remember when the ground floor of HMV was full of cd's and then you had the base floor for soundtracks and classicial. Now all the cds are downstairs and the music selection is so bare. Retail high street is dead, long live the internet
  16. Mis leading is an understatement for this topic. It's more like complete ballsh!t
  17. It will only be another Robinho. Blackburn will get a player well past his best who will get a massive wage, he will then become unsettled in the Lancashire climate and within 12 months will move on.
  18. And like that................he is gone.
  19. Kerry Katona is one who I was hoping was going to disappear from the media. She went through a drug problem, her husband problems and apparently had no money and was going to be evicted. 2 months later she turns to fitness, looks slimmer and now the media love her. Nothing ever came from her eviction and apparently no money problems.
  20. He doesn't care about the tag, he just wanted to boast he got a nice little jumper for £750.
  21. His aim was simply to get a cup of coffee
  22. 2011, no different to every other year. People spending money they don't have on things they don't need, more retail business's closing down, bankers getting amazing bonuses, politicians claiming expenses again, people claiming benefits they aren't entitled to, obese rate going up, children failing a school, record breaking gcse and a level results, ba staff on strike, a new serial killer for 2011, petrol prices increasing, debates on the state of english football, x factor stories hitting the media, celebrity public speaking on drug and addiction battles, celebrity marriage, celebrity divorce, celebrity infidelity, tabloid undercover reports corruption in sport and complaints about weather, the bbc, crime, the government, local council services, prices increasing on everything.
  23. The bloke from Eastenders didn't sing he had the honour of conducting the crowd.
  24. Cortese was waiting to make Chamberlain an offer he couldn't refuse
  25. New manager or not, Preston need the money and need to cut the wage bill. He is ours, all ours
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