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moon monkey

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  1. Developments are currently in action, there is nothing to report until it is near completion.
  2. Fire fighters earn a decent living and they are very well looked after with regards to pension and should they pick up any injuries. They fight less fires now than they ever have and a lot of their work is through vehicle accidents. Of course they have all the car washes, school talks and fire alarm installations. The fire service enjoy the spotlight but frankly they should just get on and do their job and stop moaning.
  3. We don't seem to see any injury reports on the site. This could be delibirate. Adkins has stated he doesn't want to give anything away to the opposition.
  4. New York is amazing, the people are crazy but really nice. Stay in manhatte and just go visit everywhere in manhatten. I stayed in columbus circle, it is very close to central park and access to all the major sites is easy by foot or subway. Just don't look at anyone.
  5. I am a personal trainer and can tell you that the vast majority of people in the gym are wasting their membership. The benefits of regular exercise and healthy eating are lifechanging and amazing. But people are just plain lazy and don't want to put the effort in to the work or the nutrition side. That is all fine but they shouldn't moan that they can't lose their excess fat.
  6. The club will do what they have to do and will do the respectable thing and do things quietly. So quit your moronic moaning about how the statement is put across and all the pointless negatvity.
  7. And he has a smile on his face
  8. The Ricky Gervais show
  9. The Barclays league official videos were amazing. You had a video for every league club in division 1, goals galore video and the race for the championship. I think they only released them for a couple of seasons.
  10. It is another poorly made dvd that is overpriced. Poor royalty free music, cheaply designed layout and the only bonus feature is a chapter selection. The quality is no where near as good as the old season videos they did in the late 80's early 90's which covered all the transfers, league table updates, extra highlights and interviews. It is about time more effort was made on football dvd's.
  11. He has said his goodbyes, Conductor Adkins has given him his ticket and now he can board the bus.
  12. Where abouts near Romsey does Roger waters live? I think Nick Mason lives in the new forest
  13. The same time and same place? Surely that is not gonna happen when using facilities for fitness testing.
  14. And the Daily star source? The reporters journalist friend from across the room who made it up in the office
  15. Todays Echo has a report on someone who has returned their season ticket because they had to pay a £1 to park. The article has your token miserable looking face to show how unhappy he his. A truly pathetic reaction in the slim hope that he hopes to get something out of the club by moaning.
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