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  1. Le Tiss was also on the Daily Mayo podcast from the 25th August. That's worth a listen too. Great bloke, comes across as a top, genuine fella.
  2. Even the OS made it sound like we were battered, and had little impact on the flow of the game. AP will no doubt be learning a lot about the current team in the last 3 games, I hope he can persuade the owner to get some more players in who can do a job in this league (& pref above).
  3. I do hope the incorporation date is not an omen!
  4. Hear, hear. We need unity going forward with the club no matter who saves it. =D>
  5. Saints with no Lowe, or no Saints at all? Lowe.
  6. I think it's to his credit. Been messed about with wages, players leaving, no certainty over where the club is going (long or short term!). But he's prepared to stay and work at it. People talk a lot about loyalty - and he's shown buckets of it. Good man - lets hope if we're still afloat come the start of the season everyone gets behind him.
  7. Thanks for that - gave me my best laugh for the last 2 days!! And you're right - we should be back there p'ing them off again. [-o Cheers
  8. Lets hope it was in pounds sterling not zimbabwean dollars!!
  9. Trouble is Andy - with the administrator basically saying in 1 week he'll look at winding the club up (as people have interpreted his remarks) it's hardly surprising the people who care about this club are very, very anxious. We've all been through enough over the last few years. Who would have thought a club in an FA Cup final and then Europe could fall so low so fast.
  10. I think this is actually closer to the truth than any of the politics arguments. I think the rot started when we left the Dell. While we were there we were expected to struggle, and we did so valiantly - beating the odds on the drop on several occasions. The atmosphere was great, the fans were packed in and supporting the team. The team provided honest endeavour and some of them provided world class ability (regardless of what anyone else thinks ). When we went to St.Marys it was (after a somewhat shaky start) a brighter more optimistic place to be. Couple that with a FA Cup run that took us into Europe and suddenly in the eyes of some we were a sleeping giant. Regardless of the argument about investment for the UEFA cup year, I think the attitude of many of the supporters over and above the 13k mark went into serious entertainment mode. Yeah the core 13k support is there - but in the Dell it amounted to roughly 80% of the stadium capacity. Now in St.Marys (and I am including the empty corners as they still have a detrimental effect on the stadium atmosphere IMHO) the percentage is 40%. So the core supporters effect on the game has been diluted since we moved. Now if the additional support joins in then no problem, but I think the current downturn in numbers is primarily down to the disappointment of relegation, failure to get promoted, and then a real downturn in the performances with poor year in the CCC. Add on the boardroom struggles and financial problems and I think this is keeping the more casual fans away, (along with the general cost of tickets). I seriously think once the young team become more consistent we could see numbers returning, but thats likely to take time as they're on a steep learning curve all across the team. I still think it's a shame we lost in the League Cup as it had the potential to make an interesting twist on the season, as well as increased revenues. Just my opinion.
  11. Well, it is said, Charlie, that civilised man seeks out good and intelligent company,so that, through learned discourse, he may rise above the savage and closer to God So thanks for your contribution
  12. Sadly - and I never thought I would say it tonight - my revision of "was Burgundy a state or not?" - is actually more gripping than listening to the match. Over & out
  13. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Glad to hear our lanky keeper is flapping at corners again. :shock:
  15. damn - I meant 6 games!
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