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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. 1. Very hot 2. Southfork is worth a visit but its very small 3. Elm Street or Road and the JFK memorial is also worth a visit but very spooky, the library window is always open 4. They love the English 5. They don't walk anywhere 6. Take a trip up the highest building, the view is amazing 7. Lovely fried greed tomatoes with steak and fries but all the meals are HUGE Been three times and don't want to go again, everything is too big, even the local chinese seats 300. Enjoy.
  2. Stull have this?
  3. Jillyanne

    IOW Ferry

    Really? where do you work Vestas
  4. Jillyanne

    IOW Ferry

    If taking the car either Skatesmouth or Southampton, if on foot quickest is Southampton, however that takes you to Cowes with no train connection whereas Wightlink from Skatesmouth to Ryde Pierhead has rail links right through to Shanklin (best option imho) No part of travelling to the Island is cheap as it's commonly known as the most expensive stretch of water in the world ever!!! Enjoy though.
  5. You sound like me Dad, fan of Clockwork Orange?
  6. Which company made you redundant out of interest?
  7. You remind me of an old poster.....................
  8. Rip legend
  9. Already married to a Jock but kind of adopted Saints fan
  10. Marry a female Saints fan, easy life!!!
  11. He ended up as the original burger king
  12. Me and the hubby
  13. Totally agree R
  14. Did they?
  15. Anything else or are we finished with quacking plumbs! Classic Partridge!
  16. Good news, keep well.
  17. Have all the SAW films and they don't scare me in the slightest. This is the problem, I want to be scared but can't find a film that scares me!
  18. I have Woman in Black but haven't watched it yet and the Para Norn films are absolutely shockingly c r a p
  19. If I put this in The Arts during non season this wont get any replies. Anyone got any decent recommendations?
  20. Idiot, even simpletons know that chinese lanterns hover for ages and don't appear as massive balls of light that disappear in a second. Saying that though, you are a mere cabbie so jog on.
  21. Granted but what is this 'big ship' you speak of?
  22. Ok so you don't 'drive a big ship' then? (I worked for Carnival for 10 years looking after the engineering and deck officers so I do know what I am talking about)
  23. Err wrong, he claims to 'drive' a big SHIP, not a boat which would mean diesel electric propulsion so therefore more likely steers as well as satellite GPS navigation systems.
  24. Ok but for one, you don't 'drive' a ship!
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