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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Ok, so.............. if f*ck all happens, how do we plan to carry on? Maybe we should continue as if it DID happen, raping dogs and what have you? We could all go after Spudgun for leading us all into some strange sense of terror and death?
  2. Erm Spud, please answer my post above about if this is all crap
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2250436/Doomsday-2012-If-Mayan-prophecy-true-just-end-Friday.html
  4. Right according to the countdown clock its midnight tomorrow? Technically is that Thurs or Fri?
  5. IN that case it must take time zones into consideration? We really Spuddie to verify this, on my countdown I have 1 day left?
  6. Now thats better, however I find it quite ironic that the background says Dont Panic, wtf else are we supposed to do as the end of the world is nigh?
  7. I keep asking Spuddie this but he is shying away from answering for some reason, like he knows but won't tell the rest of us, maybe he is the enemy?
  8. If this all goes wrong and jack sh*t happens, what then? this will be probably the biggest let down in my life. I am quite looking forward to it now thanks to Spuddie and feel I will have nothing to concentrate on?
  9. **the CAT**
  10. Without a doubt (also) Fairytale of New York, best Christmas song EVER!!! FACT
  11. Oh cool, I feel better now, although a UK time would still be beneficial tbh.
  12. You never said CANDLES FFS!!!! I am now doomed.
  13. Indeed but maybe we should all arm ourselves with saws or other cutting type instruments, especially for zombies or other threats really as take the feet off and they are f*cked.
  14. Also it seems Spud has royally screwed us over, candles and sh*t is whats needed http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/dec/17/mayan-apocalypse-mania-grips-russia
  15. Yes Bennetts in Beastleigh
  16. Or Turkish or a zombie or a zombiefied Turkish? If this thread is serious, its in the wrong place and will no doubt be locked and my cat just farted and it stinks.
  17. If Tsunamis are a real possibility Here's a whole new thought, how about we build a wooden boat, that way we would have wood to burn when the water subsides. We could take a couple of each living animal, insect etc (apart from spiders, they are bad and could get zombiefied and turn massive) and when everything is ok, they can all reproduce, oh hang on....
  18. I am due to work at 6pm, would be handy to have the heads up n whether to go in or not, would rather either die, get zombiefied, vampirefied, or be fine at home rather than at work tbh.
  19. Spuddie, if the zombie thing happens and I myself become zombiefied, you are now first on my kill list.
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