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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Bladder (lame I know)
  2. Brilliant
  3. Hope you get to read this thread Nigel, heartfelt thanks for all you have done for our club, we simply wouldn't be here without you. Your passion was clear fr all to see and you will be (sadly) greatly missed, maybe you'll be back someday. Good luck with whatever the future holds for you.
  4. Like Facebook, rather than replying with quote with a smilie thing? Might save server space?
  5. Various threads were closed within seconds regarding K & A about 5/6 years back
  6. Kanye West at the BIC, utter sh1te
  7. god knows what concert you went to then, Bad, Dangerous and History tours all live, watch the dvd's, no miming at all.
  8. Jillyanne


    My brother is 'gay' not the happy type, he is mainly a miserable bas tard
  9. Not out of the woods yet - http://countdowntoapocalypse.com/
  10. WTF is shinning
  11. The correct phrase is BOG standard not BOB HTH
  12. It's all gone quiet, maybe everyone are/is dead already?
  13. By the way Tokyo, get a dictionary and learn to spell
  14. If Jack sh*t happens, its really simple
  15. Oh God, no reply............................
  16. Oh yes much lolage!
  17. So as well as zombies, vampires, cancers etc we now have Hobbits to contend with?
  18. I was only joking and thank you.
  19. So the countdown thingy is a liar?
  20. Same as you TDD Snowman and Snow Dog although I'll be at work so it's being recorded
  21. It appears it hitting a town in a PO postcode first, fair play.
  22. Erm No, my husband might get a bit annoyed (miserable bast*rd) where are the mods nowadays hey?
  23. Sh*t can a mod change the title please to post!
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