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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Barcelona would be my choice but Nice is lovely too, Santorini is great but flying direct is expensive.
  2. HIV isn't Aids HTH
  3. Loved veg as a kid, my brothers hated veg and were picky eaters, one still is big time. Won't touch any pulses, Stilton, monkfish or trout!
  4. Harlem Shake has been taken over by this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCZNymDVJig
  5. what? Carrefour here became Gateway then Asda!
  6. What?
  7. It's a big ball of flames in the sky
  8. quite and why when Fiz went round to see Kirsty (who admitted it all) didn't she have her phone on voice record, I mean ffs its so easy these days, as for Kevin, we shall see. Don't believe it myself.
  9. Savoury - steak and ale Sweet - lemon meringue
  10. Commercial load of utter sh!Te
  11. Sandwich spread or paste
  12. I don't understand this
  13. Who is Rebecca?
  14. The mod, where is he now?
  15. Favourite - horror Least favourite - anything with Jack Black in
  16. Facebook friends
  17. My other half has your mobile, he heads out next week I think and will give you a call
  18. Squirrels don't hibernate, fact!
  19. Heart attack burger more like, something the guy from man v food would eat, I mean the burger
  20. Even if tropical fish shops tell you it's fine to put African Rainbow Crabs in with you tropical fish, it's not! They will eat the lot.
  21. No never knew it existed
  22. Have been on over 30 cruises, some holidays some working. Done loads of med ones and highly recommend it. P&O is by far better than Cunard for your teenagers as their ships have much better facilities to cater for that age. remember Cunards ships are Ocean Liners NOT Cruise ships, they are designed mainly for transatlantic voyages and they also still have a class system. You can only dine in certain restaurants and go in certain bars etc if you have paid top dollar to be 'First Class" P&O do loads of Eastern or Western med voyages embarking and disembarking in Southampton. It's always worth paying for a balcony cabin I find. Outside cabins just have a porthole/window and inside have nothing and are a big claustrophobic! anymore info just PM me.
  23. The Internet knows everything about you http://www.youtube.com/embed/F7pYHN9iC9I?rel=0
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