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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Got back from Agadir yesterday, watched the England game and saints v manure
  2. Not strange but funny, when I worked for Carnival, the secretary of the MD sent a blanket email out asking employees not to park anywhere other than their allocated spaces. Captain of Aurora replied to all promising 'not to park Aurora anywhere other than the dock gate she is allocated'
  3. Did you get it sorted?
  4. I just accepted his friend request, do I get a welcome pack?
  5. Our house has fenced borders with 8 other houses, no idea who own what.
  6. Pis it close to bars and restaurants, beaches etc?
  7. Crackling looks good
  8. Ok, middle 2 weeks, done Canaries, Spain etc. any other recommendations? Not far flung as hate flying, binned off Mexico after several comments on my last thread. anyone recommend Egypt? Literally want wall to wall sun, no rain, not all inclusive and not Dom rep as hate it, thanks in advance.
  9. It's closed, shame, I was going to vote for DSM, oh
  10. You can BBQ aubergines, what with the lovely, be a crime not to
  11. Can of hairspray, lighter, amazing results
  12. Ok then seems Mexico is off the list, any other recommendations? Maldives in October?
  13. Done
  14. In particular Acapulco? Any advice, hotel recommendations etc? Thinking October but is this too late? Thanks in advance.
  15. Today when I saw a massive arachnid while moving a box
  16. Christ on a bike!
  17. Cristal or if not readily available Veuve
  18. Elite This is the wealthiest and most privileged group in the UK. According to the Great British Class Survey results, lots of people in this group: Enjoy high cultural activities such as visiting museums and listening to classical music Went to private school and elite universities Socialise with people who do a wide variety of jobs
  19. Back Ruby Walsh
  20. Thanks all, I know none of these, I feel young again!
  21. Avebury stones are now sadly cordoned off as is stone henge, not like the time when you lot went and touched them or wrote strange stuff on them! Isle of Wight dinosaur museum! Marwell? Longleat?
  22. Been to Venice loads, never really liked it.
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