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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. JT clearly said that however, what if he says it all the time in a 'banter' like fashion, goes back to the other thread about what is worse eg fat, black etc, if that's the way they chat to each other then just because the ref/cameras picked it up doesn't mean he should be punished - all imho of course.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=tzowQtqOM_I
  3. Now THAT'S impressive!
  4. Oh the IRONY!!!
  5. Now I think of it, loads: Knives not being put back in the knife block in the correct order Milk bottles being used up and not being washed through and put out for the milkman The milkman delivering me a 2 pint plastic thing of milk because 'unexpected lack of stock' didn't realise cows were part of the 'public sector' National Lampoons not being shown this xmas Plenty more!!!
  6. Coming up/down a slip road and no fecker moves over!!!!!
  7. Hi V, welcome back!
  8. You cancelled due to a storm?
  9. That went well.
  10. Well they are both fruits.
  11. Christ, we have constantly over performed, are top of the league, are mathematically 'safe' and still you lot aren't happy. What happened to looking on the positive side, if any of the players are reading this tripe please take no notice, fickle bunch of people!
  12. I don't know anything about the state of the economy or public sector pensions but I do love little kittens, they're so soft and fluffy.
  13. Something very similar happened while I was on a train on the way to the JPT, needless to say I was 'well up for it that day' and got involved by telling said racist idiotic woman to shut the hell up, got backed up by lots of others also, luckily she got off pretty quick!
  14. My brother lives on Green Park, true story.
  15. That would have defeated the whole idea!!!
  16. You clearly have never been personally affected then, not being horrible, I had exactly the same attitude as you until my best friend of over 20 years hung himself from a tree in Fleming Park. I now think it takes a sh*t load of courage to take your own life, especially in this way. Wrong I may be but I think GP's must take some element of blame - 'Happy Pills' don't always work!
  17. Yeah right - us girls can have crushes too!!!
  18. Will you eat said sprout though?
  19. This (again)
  20. RIP Gary, I appreciate losing someone is losing someone but as I have been personally affected by suicide in this exact way, I know it's absolutely heartbreaking and shocking, thoughts are with the family.
  21. Nope, lived in Southampton at the time and now in Chandlers Ford and believe me he could well afford it, just stood his ground!
  22. My Uncle refused to pau his council tax when the tories introduced it (him being a strong labour followed/supporter) he owes thousands but has never been pursued for a penny of it.
  23. The box in question, if not opened correctly will stain the money with pink dye (apparently)
  24. Figment of the imagination. I wanted so say Myth but was beaten to it!!!
  25. I jumped in Hiltingbury Lake yesterday so save a dog, true story.
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