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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Bopn Jovi
  2. Pilfered straight from the front page of The Sun!!!
  3. Is this the longest thread in the world ever yet?
  4. Lonk doesn't work for me
  5. We had a member on here with the same name!!!
  6. Very little accommodation available now within 25 - 30 miles!! Athletes, their family etc!
  7. Not interested in the London part but may go to Weymouth for the sailing bit. Anyone who lives within 40 miles of London can make a bloody killing renting their property to athletes so I am told???
  8. Lol!
  9. My Dad is the worst prejudiced ever but he doesn't limit it, he uses the words - Rags, Blacks, Gays,etc etc!!! But he says it with absolutely no malice - he is 64 so maybe thats something to do with it??
  10. His coffin will be hexagonal with a gold run down the side.
  11. @Jillyanne32
  12. Know 8 of the names, can't believe none of you lot know Corey Feldman of The Goonies and The Lost Boys fame! And Leila Morse is 'Big Mo' from Eastenders, she will be bloody awful, joker of the pack for this year!
  13. Congratulations to you and your family!
  14. You have a PM!
  15. True! Thought I would save it til tonight!
  16. Award for the second year running for this category:- Liar pleading poverty and thief: dark sotonic mills Please feel free to pay me the 500 quid you owe me or I WILL post your pathetic e-mails on Facebook. Hth
  17. Jillyanne


    Get a cat.
  18. Tit
  19. Raymond Weil with a mother of pearl face, i like it!
  20. Now THAT'S a good game!!!
  21. Jesus wasn't born on Christmas day, that is a well known fact!
  22. Turkey and a shoulder of pork, mum is cooking and we will have all the trimmings including, yes including sprouts, they are lovely!
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