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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Yes she did, then had a go at one of the waiters.
  2. I saw her in the hard rock cafe in london at christmas, she is one attention seeking young lady.
  3. You tell us.
  4. Has Skacel signed yet?
  5. Happy birthday, have a great day. x
  6. I don't have one Scotty.
  7. £200,00 and a stick of celery.
  8. No, Mary the fairy.
  9. Time for MB to do some photoshop trickery I think!
  10. Just pay the fiver ffs AV!!!! Pretty please.
  11. I handed you that opportunity on a plate ffs!
  12. Exactly what I thought. Not the 'I would' part though.
  13. Bates, stop with the minging cats please!
  14. Exactly, any self respecting elephant would have chosen a lake in England.
  15. Pull yourself together man, get some mates together and go and get wasted and pull whatever you can. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. This works for both male and female. :cool:
  16. I didn't see that!!!
  17. Small willeh?
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