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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Here we go again - Shane, do you realise you have an octopus crawling up your window?
  2. He is probably a forum member!
  3. Jillyanne


    My best male friend hung himself back in 2006 and I had to take it as unpaid leave, but I do work for a very very tight stingey company. I agree with you though I guess it should be case dependant.
  4. He is stalking Shaney.
  5. I wouldn't consider that to be an advantage tbf. I would much rather be a cat or a bird, I hate being human its rubish.
  6. Oh he will, as soon as Corp starts a 2008/09 attendance thread.
  7. Doesn't sound too pleasant to me.
  8. Jillyanne


    Tbf it should be compassionate for family only or people could take the mick, going to the funeral of your best friends boyfriends sisters brothers girlfriends dads uncle etc.
  9. I did, actually made me lol, several times.
  10. Jillyanne


    No idea I am afraid.
  11. Jillyanne


    Sorry, 20 days:- A full-time employee is entitled to four weeks paid holiday each year. This can be inclusive or exclusive of national holidays (detailed later) and days when the business traditionally shuts down (i.e. the Christmas period). For example, if an employee is contracted to work 5 days a week, the employee is entitled to: 5 days x 4 weeks = 20 days holiday per year
  12. Jillyanne


    21 days.
  13. Or that you fancied the chicken.
  14. Which pub?
  15. Just starting to work for me, maybe you need to wait a WEE while longer.
  16. Doesn't work for me.
  17. Jillyanne


    Read your company handbook, I am pretty sure attending the funeral of your best mates dad will not qualify as compassionate leave. I would have thought they would've asked you to book a day off for it.
  18. Just received this: Dear All, There is currently a severe weather warning affecting the whole of the south coast from Cornwall in the west through to Kent in the east . West to SW winds becoming unseasonably strong - worst gusts 50-60 mph with coastal and hills the worst affected. The worst period for Hampshire will be now until 1500 but the warning extends to 1800 today. Apologies for the lack of notice, the official weather warning should have arrived here at 0230 this morning but it would appear an IT problem has prevented the Met Office's email from arriving. Stay safe people.
  19. Good song imho.
  20. Golden vegetable soup with 2 slices of buttered brown bread.
  21. Go and do some work you lazy fat bald idiot.
  22. I don't know, I also don't know why the threads are still appearing dark red as in un-read.
  23. Why are you stalking Shane?
  24. Better off in TMS I think. The bizarre thing is that I thought about posting this thread yesterday afternoon!
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