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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Yes I do and I have the book. HTH
  2. The live on stage version was superb at the BIC.
  3. Tv or radio sound level MUST be on an even number.
  4. Superb album, I know every word off also, is that sad?
  5. Or hit by a dead whale.
  6. Used them a few times and never had any problems.
  7. https://www.hertz.com/rentacar/index.jsp?targetPage=reservationOnHomepage.jsp
  8. You lot get bewbs and I get really random stuff from MB, where's the justice in that!
  9. Me too, to Ponts.
  10. Can I just say that protective clothing is just as important. My dad went out "just to the shop" on his bike a few years ago in the summer, wearing shorts and t-shirt. He skidded on oil and ripped all the skin off his thigh which was absolutely horrible.
  11. I know - the tight sod, I will make sure I deduct it from his next tip and send it to you via paypal.
  12. Dear Ponty - lighten up, its just a laugh!
  13. Essruu - you are not allowed to post here silly! He is not paying me.
  14. Once again - dedicated to the one and only Essruu. As the vermin that are registered users are unable to send or receive private messages, this is the thread that they can send messages to each other (bless them). Please leave out the FAO messages though - please use - Dear JB etc.
  15. This thread is dedicated to Essruu and is for the uber skint/tight registered users so they can start discussions without taking existing threads off topic. I can't imagine the discussions will last too long what with only 3 posts per day allowed per person but you never know. Full members - please respect the 'Reg's' and let them get on with it!
  16. Is the 3 post thing a 24 hour rule or does it count from when you first post - be it at 13.00 or 09.00?
  17. no! 23.
  18. Jillyanne


    Part-time and agency workers If you're a part-time worker, you're still entitled to 4.8 weeks holiday – 4.8 of your normal working weeks. For example, if you work two days a week you have the right to a minimum of 9.6 days' holiday (that is, 4.8 two-day weeks). A part time worker should be treated no less favourably than an equivalent full-timer. This means that an employer who gives extra days off to full timers may have to give extra time off to part time workers as well. If you're an agency worker, your agency must allow you to take your paid holidays. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/Employees/Timeoffandholidays/DG_10034642
  19. Number 23.
  20. You have been out with some strange ladies.
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